C | |
California Profilograph - A rolling straight-edge tool used for evaluating pavement profile (smoothness) consisting of a 7.5m (25-ft) frame with a sensing... | |
Capital Area Transit System - CATS ; City Bus; 225-389-8282 OR 389-8920 (Location: 2250 Fla.... ... website | CATS |
Carbide Milling - Surface removal or sawing done with a carbide milling machine. The machine uses a blade or arbor (a beam or shaft) equipped with... | |
Certifications - Contact: (225) 767-9131 Certification is required if someone is working as an inspector on a DOTD project. The type of certif... ... website | |
Chase District - Contact: (318) 412-3100 or 1-800-256-1610 A six parish region around Chase consisting of Caldwell, Catahoula, Concordia, Fra... | 58 |
Chemically Curing Sealant - A sealant material that reaches its final properties through the reaction of the component materials when mixed. | |
Chief Engineer, Construction & Maintenance - Contact: (225) 379-1533 | 53 |
Child Safety Restraints - Louisiana State Police - Motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of death and disability among children. Children who are not properly buckled up may... ... website | |
Chip Seal - A surface treatment in which the pavement is sprayed with asphalt (generally emulsified - liquid) and then immediately covered w... | |
Civil Service, Louisiana Department of - How do I find out about state jobs? Contact: Louisiana Department of Civil Service. ... website | |
Cohesion - The internal bond (uniting) within a joint sealant material. Cohesion loss is seen as a noticeable tear along the surface and th... | |
Cold Applied Sealant - A crack-sealing compound that is applied in an unheated state (generally at ambient (surrounding) temperature) and then reaches ... | |
Cold In-place Recycling - A process in which a portion of an existing bituminous pavement is pulverized or milled, and then the reclaimed material is mixe... | CIR |
Cold Milling - A process of removing pavement material from the surface of the pavement either to prepare the surface to receive overlays (by r... | |
Commercial Drivers License - Commericial drivers licenses (CDL) are handled by Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV). Commercial drivers employed in the transportat... ... website | CDL |
Compliance Programs - Contact: (225) 379-1382 or Compliance Programs Where can I obtain a list of certified DBE's? On the Construction Lettin... ... website | 37 |
Compressible Insert - Material used to separate freshly placed concrete (such as from a partial-depth or full-depth repair) from existing hardened con... | |
Concrete Pavement Restoration - A series of repair techniques used to preserve or improve the structural capacity or functional characteristics of a PCC pavemen... | CPR |
Construction Audit Claims - Contact: (225) 379-1584 | 40 |
Construction Joint - A joint constructed in a transverse (across) direction in PCC pavements to control cracking of the slab as it cures. Highway con... | |
Construction, Current - Want to look at the current DOTD construction? Click on the map to view the current construction for a specific parish. ... website | |
Consultant Contract Services - Contact: (225) 379-1989 Our Mission: To provide customer driven services through teamwork and partnership for consultant serv... ... website | CCS, 80 |
Contact Information - To contact DOTD's Customer website | |
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement - PCC pavement constructed with sufficient longitudinal steel reinforcement to control transverse-crack spacings and openings in l... | CRCP |
Contract Maintenance - The range of contracting methods and vehicles used by public transportation agencies to accomplish maintenance programs and supp... | |
Contract Services - Contact: (225) 379-1989 | 80 |
Contracts & Specifications - Contact: (225) 379-1485 | 80 |
Contraflow FAQ - Southeast - Q. If I am travelling eastbound on I-12 toward Mississippi, will I be able to get on I-10 Eastbound at the I-12/I-59/I-10 juncti... | |
Corner Break - A portion of a concrete slab separated by a crack that intersects the adjacent transverse or longitudinal joints at about a 45 d... | |
Corrective Maintenance - Maintenance performed once a deficiency occurs in the pavement, for example the filling of a pothole. | |
Crack - Fissure or discontinuity of the pavement surface not necessarily extending through the entire thickness of the pavement. Cracks ... | |
Crack Filling - The placement of materials into non-working cracks to substantially reduce the intrusion of incompressibles and infiltration of ... | |
Crack Sealing - A maintenance procedure that involves placement of specialized materials into working cracks using unique configurations to redu... | |
Cross Stitching - A repair method that involves the drilling of holes diagonally across a crack in PCC pavement into which steel reinforcement bar... | |
Cure - See Curing | |
Curing - The maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature in concrete during its early stages so that desired propertie... | |
Curing Blanket - A built-up covering of burlap sacks, matting, straw, waterproof paper or other suitable material placed over freshly finished co... | |
Curing Compound - A liquid that can be applied as a coating to the surface of newly placed concrete to retard the loss of water, or in the case of... | |
Customer Service Center - Contact: 1-877-4LADOTD (1-877-452-3683) or (225) 379-1232 Email: DOTDCS@la.gov Hours: 7:30-5:30pm Monday-Friday. Please cont... | 01 |