A | |
AASHTO Bookstore ... website | |
Accounting - Contact: (225) 379-1645 The Financial Services section is located on the fourth floor, east wing of the DOTD HQ located at 12... | 15 |
Adopt-a-Road - What is the Adopt-A-Road Program and how can I be part of it? The Adopt-A-Road Program provides an opportunity for organiz... ... website | |
Advertisement Logo Signs (Interstate) - What is the Logo Sign Program? The Logo Sign Program is a state administered Interstate signing program for businesses that pro... ... website | 45 |
Agency Costs | |
Aggregate Testing | 22 |
Agreements - Aviation Agreements- Contact: (225) 274-4125 City/State Agreements- Contact: (225) 379-1989 Joint/Use Agreements - Con... ... website | |
Alexandria District - Contact: 318-561-5000 or 1-800-542-3509 A seven parish region around Alexandria consisting of Avoyelles, Grant, Natchitoches... ... website | 08 |
Alligator Cracking - A series of interconnecting cracks in an asphalt pavement surface forming a pattern that resembles an alligator's hide or chicke... | |
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials - The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing... ... website | AASHTO |
Analysis Period - The period of time used in making economic comparisons between rehabilitation alternatives. The analysis period should not be co... | |
Annual Cost - Any costs associated with the annual maintenance and repair of the facility. | |
Application Temperature - The manufacturer's recommended temperature to be used when installing sealant. For hot-applied sealants, the application tempera... | |
Approved List of Contractors - Ready, Willing and Able List of Approved Contractors https://wwwapps.dotd.la.gov/engineering/lettings/ready_willing_a... | |
Archives & Records (Louisiana State) - Contact: (225) 922-0105 ... website | |
Army Corps of Engineers - The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is made up of approximately 34,600 Civilian and 650 military members. Military... ... website | USACE |
Asphalt Tack Coat - A light application of asphalt, usually asphalt emulsion (liquid) diluted with water. It is used to ensure a bond between two bi... | |
Asset Management - A systematic process of maintaining, upgrading, and operating physical assets cost-effectively. It combines engineering principl... | |
Association of Levee Boards in Louisiana - Association of Levee Boards Post Office Box 2961Baton Rouge, LA 70821 (225) 243-4452 faxlouisianalevee@live.comFrom the nort... ... website | ALBL |
Audit Section - MISSON: The mission of the Audit section is to perform audits, financial reviews and related services testifying to the truth,... | 31 |
Average Daily Traffic Count - Contact: (225) 242-4560 or joshua.albritton@la.gov ... website | ADT |
Aviation Section - Contact: (225) 379-3050 Our mission is to continue to improve our aviation infrastructure to insure a safe, modern and well man... ... website | 88 |