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Warranty - Contractual agreement between an approved contractor/vendor ad the agency soliciting bids, that uses specific performance measur... | |
Water Resources - Contact: (225) 274-4171 Water Resources Program Mission StatementTo administer and implement the water resources programs an... ... website | 64 |
Water Well Registry - The Water Well Section of DOTD has been moved under the Department of Natural Resources Conservation Section. | 64 |
Waterblasting - The use of a high-pressure water stream (8500 to 10,000 psi) to clean PCC. It may be used in PCC joint resealing to remove sawi... | |
Weights & Standards - As of July 1, 2022, Weights and Standards will fall under the direction of DOTD. Weight Enforcement's primary function is ensuri... | |
Welcome Centers - Detailed Map of Welcome Center Locations. ... website | |
Wildflower Program - Contact: Ryan Duhon 337-262-6114 or Roy Dupuy 225-379-1969 The Louisiana DOTD Wildflower Program is enlisting the help of the ... ... website | |
Work Zone Safety Tips - A work zone is an area of a highway with construction, maintenance, or utility work activities. A work zone is typically marked ... | |
Working Crack - A crack in a pavement that undergoes significant deflection and thermal opening and closing movements greater than 2 mm (1/16 in... | |