Where and when do ferries run in Louisiana?
For information on the operational status of the DOTD ferries, visit: http://wwwapps.dotd.la.gov/operations/ferrystatus/fmbs_status.aspx?PID=F_STATUS.
How much does it cost to ride a ferry? To ride a ferry headed westbound, the cost is $1 per car and 50 cents for pedestrians (people who walk onto the ferry). To ride a ferry headed eastbound, there is no charge.
1. All students traveling to/from school (R.S. 17:157)
a. Between the hours of 6:00 A.M. – 9:30 A.M. and 2:30 P.M. – 9:30 P.M. only.
b. Passes are valid for the student, or the legal parents or guardians of a student who is a minor.
2. Military – on duty or in uniform (R.S. 29:27)
a. Any member in a military vehicle, uniform, or able to demonstrate orders passes free.
b. Disabled American Veterans also pass free (license plate or other form of identification)
3. All fireman and volunteer firemen (R.S. 33:1975)
a. All firemen in fire department vehicles and when performing duties. Firemen and volunteer
fireman performing duties but not in department vehicles may pass free by providing photo I.D.
4. Law enforcement personnel (R.S. 40:1392)
a. All state police and other law enforcement personnel in uniform or civilian clothing, with law
enforcement agency equipment or able to demonstrate badge or photo I.D.
5. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Camp Fire Girls – (R.S. 48.999)
a. When in uniform, in groups of 15 or more, with scout master or other responsible person shall
pass free.
6. Parish employees – as identified below (R.S. 48:1000, LAC 70.111)
a. Free passage shall be granted to those persons with the official logo of the parish governing
authority, or if operating an unmarked parish-owned vehicle, presentation of picture I.D. shall be
7. All emergency vehicles (LAC 70.105)
a. When emergency lights are in use.
8. All easily identified and clearly marked school buses (LAC 70.105)
a. Publicly-owned school buses, buses carrying public students under contract, parochial school
buses, and private school buses funded in a fashion that allows them to publicly display "school