DOTD Ex-Officio Notary List (47)
Pursuant to LA R.S. 48:121 a DOTD Ex-Officio Notary has limited authority and may only notarize acts and instruments where the Department of Transportation and Development is a party to the act or instrument, administer an oath, or notarize an affidavit or other document in a matter in which the department is interested. A DOTD Ex-Officio Notary may NOT notarize documents for any other department, office, authority, commission or board. Ex-Officio notaries may only notarize documents associated with official DOTD business. A DOTD Ex-Officio Notary may not engage in private notarial work unrelated to DOTD business.
D/S Name Phone Number
02 Paternostro, Linda Kinler 504/437-3106
03 Breaux, Margaret A. (Landry) 337/262-6106
04 Green, Carolyn B. 318/349-8335
04 Stewart, Kim Moore 318/549-8348
05 Averett, Dawn E. 318/342-0148
05 Lightsey, Lawanna Jean 318/342-0131
07 Avery, Kaye 318/437-9149
07 Droddy, Carolyn K. 318/437-9106
07 Monlezun, Esther 318/437-9148
08 Drewett, Lloyd R. 318/561-5277
08 McCall, Freddie C. 318/561-5100
09 Olivier, Brinda H. 225/935-0242
16 Catherine, Ellen Vrene 225/379-1229
16 Kinsey, Johnny R. 225/379-1230
16 McRae, Mary Kay 225/379-1288
23 Blanchard, Joseph Harvey 225/237-1310
23 Del Rio, Michael Kent 225/237-1213
23 Roussel, Erin D. 504/465-3468
23 Shaffer, Jack Dale 225/237-1313
23 Wirth, Roger Allan 225/237-1263
38 Berwick, Paula 225/379-1260
47 Fuller, Lisa Wilson 225/237-1345
47 Jackson, Michael 225/242-4625
47 LeBlanc, Michael Shane 225/237-1346
47 Nguyen, Tuyet 225/242-4662
47 Smith, Tonja Coleman 225/379-1340
58 Eldridge, Susan E. 318/412-3148
59 Olivier, Peggy 504/376-8100
59 Levasseur, Alan J. 504/376-8101
61 Lemoine, Eileen 225/231-4148
62 Rylatt, Ronda Sue 985/375-0106