Electronic bids and electronic bid bonds for the following project will be downloaded by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LA DOTD) on Wednesday, February 09, 2022. Paper bids and paper bid bonds will not be accepted. Electronic bids and electronic bid bonds must be submitted through www.bidx.com prior to the electronic bidding deadline. Beginning at 10:00 a.m., all bids will be downloaded and posted online at http://wwwapps.dotd.la.gov/engineering/lettings/. No bids are accepted after 10:00 a.m. The electronic bid download process is held in LA DOTD Headquarters Building, 1201 Capitol Access Road in Baton Rouge, LA, Room 404 A, and is open to the public. Visitors must check-in with the security desk in the first floor lobby.
The estimated cost range is for informational purposes only and may be subject to change. The bid prices received from bidders will be evaluated based on the actual estimate value, which will be published at bid opening, for award determination.
Bids must be prepared and submitted in accordance with Section 102 of the 2006 or 2016 Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges as specified in the project bid proposal, and as amended by the project specifications, and must include all information required by the proposal.
ONLINE BIDDER REGISTRATION IS FOR ALL PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS AND FOR OTHERS INTERESTED IN INFORMATION ONLY. Prior to the electronic bid submission deadline, ONLINE BIDDER REGISTRATION for each project bid is REQUIRED. Online Bidder Registration may be accessed via the Internet at wwwsp.dotd.la.gov. Select the following options: BUSINESS Working With DOTD, then Project Letting Info, then Online Bidder Registration.
When completed, a registration confirmation notice will be displayed and may be printed by the bidder. When approved for bidding, the bidder's name will be placed on the "List of Prospective Bidders" located on the LA DOTD Internet website. It is the bidder's responsibility to review the "List of Prospective Bidders" to ensure approval to bid. If a bidder does not register for a project, the bid will not be accepted by LA DOTD. As per Subsection 102.04(e) of the 2006 edition or 102.04.5 of the 2016 edition of the Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges, no bidders will be approved for bid registration within 24 hours before the bid opening. All bidders must register to bid before that deadline. If further information is required, please contact Mr. Al Simon: email: Alfonzo.Simon@la.gov, phone: (225) 379-1111, fax: (225) 379-1857
Plans and bid proposals are available in electronic format ONLY. All Plans, Proposals, Addenda, Amendments, Letters of Clarification, and Withdrawal Notices will be posted online. Paper notices will not be distributed.
Construction bid proposals (includes specifications) and plans may be accessed via the Internet at wwwsp.dotd.la.gov. To receive update notifications on specific projects, ONLINE BIDDER RIGISTRATION is required. From the LA DOTD home page, select the following options: BUSINESS Working With DOTD, then Project Letting Info. Once the Construction Letting Information page appears, find the Notice to Contractors box. From the drop down menu, select the appropriate letting date and press the "Go To" button to open the page, which provides a listing of all projects to be let and a Construction Proposal Documents link for each project. All project specific notices are found here. It will be the responsibility of the bidder to check for updates. Additionally, plans and specifications may be seen at the Project Engineer's office. Upon request, the Project Engineer will show the project site.
All questions concerning the plans shall be submitted via the Electronic Plans Distribution Center known as Falcon. All submitted questions will be forwarded by email to the Project Manager and the Project Engineer. Questions submitted within a period of 96 hours prior to the advertised time for the opening of bids, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and any other legal holidays, may not be answered prior to bidding. Falcon may be accessed via the Internet at wwwsp.dotd.la.gov. From the home page, select BUSINESS Working With DOTD, then select Project Letting Info. On the Construction Letting Information page, select the link, DOTD Plan Room (Falcon); Login to Falcon (or request an ID if a first-time user). Once logged in, you will have access to view Project Information, submit a question concerning the project, and view the plans. To avoid any suggestion that a potential bidder is using the Falcon system to communicate with other potential bidders, DOTD will not post any question or any statement of fact or opinion not made for the purpose of seeking clarification of plans and/or specifications. Any non-questions posted on falcon will be limited to the statement of an issue considered unresolved by a previous DOTD response.
Bidders assume the responsibility for accessing the Apparent Bid Results and final Bid Results on the Construction Letting Information web page located at wwwapps.dotd.la.gov/engineering/lettings/ to confirm whether they are the apparent low bidder for any given project and the specific due date of Form CS-6AAA. Apparent Low Bidders on Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBE)/Small Business Element (SBE) Goal Projects shall comply fully with the "Required Contract Provisions for DBE/SBE Participation in Federal Aid Construction Contracts (DBE/SBE Goal Project)" contained in Section "F" of the Proposal; and, in accordance therewith, Apparent Low Bidders shall submit the completed Form CS-6AAA and Attachments to the LA DOTD Compliance Programs Office utilizing the list of DBE/SBE Certified Contractors as posted for this letting at http://wwwapps.dotd.la.gov/engineering/lettings/construction.aspx. The award of the contract will be electronically submitted to the successful low bidder on each project.
The U. S. Department of Transportation (DOT) operates a toll free “Hotline” Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Eastern Time. Anyone with knowledge of possible bid rigging, bidder collusion, or other fraudulent activities should call 1-800-424-9071. All information will be treated confidentially and caller anonymity will be respected.
Proposal: H.001820.6 LA 485: BRIDGES NEAR ALLEN
DBE Goal: 8%
OJT Goal: 7 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, removal of timber bridges, grading, drainage structures, pavement patching, class ii base course, lime treatment, asphalt concrete pavement, precast concrete piles, concrete slab span bridges, drilled shaft foundations, and related work.
Parish(es): Natchitoches
Route(s): LA 485
Federal Number: H001820
Estimated Construction Cost: $10,000,000 to $15,000,000
Proposal: H.009189.6 I-20: .3 MI E. OF US 79 - LA 371 PAVE MKG
H.009189 has been postponed to the letting of March 9, 2022.
Proposal: H.010867.6 JUDE & PLACIDE ROAD BRIDGES
DBE Goal: 9%
OJT Goal: 2 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
01/18/2022 - Added to the letting of February 9, 2022.
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, removal of bridges, grading, drainage structures, class ii base course, lime treatment, asphalt concrete overlay, precast concrete piles, concrete slab span bridges, and related work.
Parish(es): Vermilion
Federal Number: H010867
Estimated Construction Cost: $1,000,000 to $2,500,000
Proposal: H.011598.6 LA 8: LA 119 TO LA 1
DBE Goal: 5%
OJT Goal: 5 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, lime treatment, in-place cement treated base course, in-place cement treated subgrade, asphalt concrete pavement and related work.
Parish(es): Rapides
Route(s): LA 8 & LA 8-S
Federal Number: H011598
Estimated Construction Cost: $5,000,000 to $7,500,000
Proposal: H.011645.6 LA 3002: ACCESS MANAGEMENT
DBE Goal: 8%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: grading, drainage structures, pavement patching, class ii base course, portland cement concrete pavement, traffic signalization and related work.
Parish(es): Livingston
Route(s): LA 3002
Federal Number: H011645
Estimated Construction Cost: $1,000,000 to $2,500,000
H.012486 has been postponed to the letting of March 9, 2022.
DBE Goal: 8%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, removal of precast concrete & timber bridge, grading, drainage structures, class ii base course, lime treatment, asphalt concrete overlay, precast concrete piles, concrete slab span bridge and related work.
Parish(es): Lafayette
Federal Number: H012880
Estimated Construction Cost: $500,000 to $1,000,000
Proposal: H.012913.6-R1 I-20 EB: EXIT RAMP EXTENSION AT LA 157
SBE Goal: 7%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, class ii base course, lime treatment, thin asphalt concrete (ogfc), asphalt conrete pavement and related work.
Parish(es): Bossier
Route(s): I-20
Federal Number: H012913
Estimated Construction Cost: $250,000 to $500,000
Proposal: H.012991.6 LA87: 0.65 MI SE LA3182-0.07 MI SE LA670
DBE Goal: 9%
OJT Goal: 2 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
01/18/2022 - Added to the letting of February 9, 2022.
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, asphalt concrete overlay, and related work.
Parish(es): Iberia; St. Mary
Route(s): LA 87
Federal Number: H012991
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,500,000 to $5,000,000
Proposal: H.013001.6 LA 308: LA 70 - ASCENSION P/L
DBE Goal: 9%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, in-place cement treated base course, in-place cement treated subgrade, lime treatment, asphalt surface treatment, asphalt concrete pavement, and related work.
Parish(es): Assumption
Route(s): LA 308
Federal Number: H013001
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,500,000 to $5,000,000
SBE Goal: 7%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, removal of bridge, grading, drainage structures, class ii base course, asphalt concrete overlay, precast concrete piles, concrete slab span bridge, and related work.
Parish(es): Tangipahoa
Federal Number: H013163
Estimated Construction Cost: $250,000 to $500,000
Local Public Agency project
SBE Goal: 8%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, concrete walks, and related work.
Parish(es): St. Tammany
Federal Number: H013406
Estimated Construction Cost: $250,000 to $500,000
Proposal: H.014069.6 LA 20: DUCROS RD. - LA 648
DBE Goal: 9%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: grading, milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, class ii base course, asphalt concrete overlay, portland cement concrete pavement, loop detectors, and related work.
Parish(es): Terrebonne
Route(s): LA 20
Federal Number: H014069
Estimated Construction Cost: $1,000,000 to $2,500,000
Proposal: H.014071.6 LA 308: THERIOT CANAL - ST. CHARLES BR.
DBE Goal: 5%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: grading, drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, asphalt concrete overlay and related work.
Parish(es): Lafourche
Route(s): LA 308
Federal Number: H014071
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,500,000 to $5,000,000
Proposal: H.014102.6 LA 23: LAPALCO BLVD - DALE AVE
DBE Goal: 10%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: pavement patching, class ii base course, asphalt concrete overlay, and related work.
Parish(es): Jefferson
Route(s): LA 23
Federal Number: H014102
Estimated Construction Cost: $500,000 to $1,000,000
Proposal: H.014105.6 US 165: LA 2 - PARISH RD 1110
DBE Goal: 9%
OJT Goal: 3 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, asphalt concrete overlay, and related work.
Parish(es): Morehouse; Ouachita
Route(s): US 165
Federal Number: H014105
Estimated Construction Cost: $5,000,000 to $7,500,000
Proposal: H.014114.6 LA 99 & LA 102: W LA 102 - LA 26
DBE Goal: 8%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, asphalt concrete overlay, and related work.
Parish(es): Jefferson Davis
Route(s): LA 99 & LA 102
Federal Number: H014114
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,500,000 to $5,000,000
Proposal: H.014147.6 LA 384: LA 1144 - CALCASIEU P/L
SBE Goal: 5%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: plastic pavement striping, microsurfacing and related work.
Parish(es): Cameron
Route(s): LA 384
Federal Number: H014147
Estimated Construction Cost: $250,000 to $500,000
Proposal: H.014302.6 US 165: ROADWAY LIGHTING (OUACHITA)
DBE Goal: 4%
OJT Goal: 2 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: roadway lighting and related work.
Parish(es): Ouachita
Route(s): US 165
Federal Number: H014302
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,500,000 to $5,000,000
OJT Goal: 2 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: bridge repairs and related work.
Parish(es): East Baton Rouge
Route(s): I-10
Federal Number: H014323
Estimated Construction Cost: $1,000,000 to $2,500,000
Proposal: H.014478.6 LA 1107: LA 367 - LA 1105
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, lime treatment, in-place cement stabilized base course, asphalt surface treatment, asphalt concrete overlay, and related work.
Parish(es): Acadia
Route(s): LA 1107
Estimated Construction Cost: $1,000,000 to $2,500,000
Proposal: H.014484.6 LA 109: LA 12 - BEAUREGARD P/L
DBE Goal: 7%
OJT Goal: 2 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: grading, milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, pavement widening, asphalt concrete overlay, and related work.
Parish(es): Calcasieu
Route(s): LA 109
Federal Number: H014484
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,500,000 to $5,000,000
Proposal: H.014493.6 LA 1055 : LA 1054 - WASHINGTON PL
Specbook: 2016
PILOT PROJECT: This project has been selected as a Density by Non-Destructive Technologies Pilot Project. Special provisions governing requirements can be found in the construction proposal section titled 2021 Density by Non-Destructive Technologies PILOT SPECIAL PROVISION.
Description of work: drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, asphalt concrete overlay, and related work.
Parish(es): Tangipahoa; Washington
Route(s): LA 1055
Estimated Construction Cost: $2,500,000 to $5,000,000
Proposal: H.014503.6 LA 17: GADDIS ST. - ARKANSAS STATE LINE
DBE Goal: 8%
OJT Goal: 5 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: clearing and grubbing, drainage structures, milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, asphalt concrete overlay and related work.
Parish(es): West Carroll
Route(s): LA 17
Federal Number: H014503
Estimated Construction Cost: $5,000,000 to $7,500,000
Proposal: H.014585.6 I-10 BARRIERS: CHEF MENTEUR HWY-I-510
DBE Goal: 8%
OJT Goal: 5 Trainees
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: concrete roadway barrier, high tension cable barrier, concrete strip, drilled shaft foundations and related work.
Parish(es): Orleans
Route(s): I-10
Federal Number: H014585
Estimated Construction Cost: $5,000,000 to $7,500,000
Proposal: H.014614.6 LA 1148: LA 1 - LA 988
DBE Goal: 5%
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: milling asphalt concrete, asphalt concrete overlay, and related work.
Parish(es): Iberville
Route(s): LA 1148
Federal Number: H014614
Estimated Construction Cost: $500,000 to $1,000,000
Proposal: H.014729.6 LA 1016-2: 700' N OF AVE A - LA 70
Specbook: 2016
Description of work: milling asphalt concrete, pavement patching, asphalt concrete overlay and related work.
Parish(es): Assumption
Route(s): LA 1016-2
Estimated Construction Cost: $500,000 to $1,000,000