La. 1088 Corridor Study

Project Details
State Proj. No.: H.010116
Cost: $20-$40 Million
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The purrpose of the LA 1088 Corridor Study is to reduce existing congestion and accommodate future traffic demands along 3.5 miles of the LA 1088 corridor from LA 59 to I-12.

DOTD is in the final stages of the Environmental Assessment document and a link will be provided to the document once it is approved. Excerpts from the document are provided below.

Improvements to the corridor will be broken into the 5 following phases:

1.       Roundabouts at Soult St. and Trinity Dr.

2.       Roundabout at Forest Brook Blvd. and required roadway widening

3.       Roundabouts at I-12 Intersections

4.       Roadway widening from I-12 to Forest Brook Blvd.

5.       Roundabouts at LA 59, Jackson St., and Spring. Blvd.

The current cost for all phases is estimated to be $36,500,000. This estimate includes right-of-way acquisition, utility relocations, environmental mitigation, engineering, and construction.

 Draft Environmental Assessment

Catherine Mastin

Senior Project Manager 

Project Documents
LA 1088 Corridor Traffic Study1 mb5/5/2021