DOTD celebrates completion of repairs to Gentilly area
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 at 11:19:24 AM

NEW ORLEANS – Today marks the completion of repairs to six roadways in the Gentilly area with the conclusion of construction on Elysian Fields Avenue. These repairs are a part of the South Louisiana Submerged Roads Program, a $118 million comprehensive program to repair and resurface roads damaged as a result of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

The $19.7 million contract for the Submerged Roads Program street repair project in the Gentilly area included:

Filmore Avenue from Elysian Fields Ave to Wisner Blvd

Mirabeau Avenue from Elysian Fields Ave to Bayou St. John Bridge

St. Bernard Avenue from I-610 to Filmore Ave

Leon C. Simon Drive from London Canal to Elysian Fields

Paris Avenue from I-610 to Mirabeau

Elysian Fields Avenue from Lakeshore Drive to US 90/Gentilly Blvd

Elysian Fields is the final roadway segment to receive repairs under the South Louisiana Submerged Roads Program. DOTD Secretary Sherri H. LeBas said, "This program highlights the success of our federal, state and local partners working together to rebuild South Louisiana. Exciting announcements on our continued progress will follow within the next month regarding plans to continue to revitalize infrastructure and provide quality-of-life enhancements for Louisiana residents."

The Elysian Fields Ave project included concrete roadway panel replacement, asphalt resurfacing, curb repair and installing ADA compliant accessible ramps. In addition, the streets received enhancements funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), including sidewalk replacement, landscaping and tree plantings, and signing and re-striping to accommodate the addition of bike lanes. Michigan-based RMD Holdings Ltd. was the contractor for the project.

The Gentilly area improvements represent a $19.7 million investment, including $3.3 million in ARRA funds. Approximately, 25,000 square yards of sidewalk repair, the planting of almost 800 trees, more than 46,000 feet of shared-use bike lanes and 33,000 feet of dedicated bike lanes were incorporated into the project through ARRA funding.

The project is part of the $118 million South Louisiana Submerged Roads Program, a comprehensive road repair program to repair and resurface roads damaged as a result of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The program is funded by the Emergency Relief Program of the Federal Highway Administration. It is administered by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.