DOTD announces kickoff meeting for new and existing projects in 2012 Transportation Enhancement Program
Wednesday, January 04, 2012 at 10:50:32 AM

Who should attend?

New and existing sponsors, their consultants and other parties interested in learning the latest on the program’s policies and procedures are invited to attend.

When & Where?

The meeting will be held on Wednesday, Feb. 1 from 8 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. in the DOTD Headquarters Auditorium, located at 1201 Capitol Access Road in Baton Rouge.

Meeting Agenda:

8:00 AM---Introductions---Val Horton
8:15 LPA Manual—Ann Wills
8:35 Compliance—Tanya St Angelo
9:00 Intro to TEP Requirements—Val Horton
9:20 NEPA Process Requirements—Mike LaFleur
9:50 10 minute break
10:00 Right of Way Requirements—Kevin Szatmary
10:30 From Agreement to Letting—Val Horton
11:15 Landscaping: Roadside Requirements—Roy Dupuy
11:40 Lunch on your own (1 hour)
12:40 Electrical: Designing Your System—Michael Armentor
1:15 PM Construction: Building Your Project the DOTD Way—Brian Buckel
2:00 PM Questions (30 minutes)