BATON ROUGE, La. – Louisiana’s largest transportation program in state history continues to enhance communications efforts with the launch of updated and revised Web sites and new internet blogs, announced the TIMED Communications Office.
“The TIMED Web sites are vital for sharing information on Louisiana’s TIMED Program, and we strive to ensure they are user friendly, provide accurate information and evolve to fit new users’ needs,” said Dana Newsome, TIMED Communications Director. “We listen to our Internet visitors and respond by adding additional information, features and technology to our Web sites.”
Information on the TIMED Program is available at The communications office also maintains Web sites on the three major TIMED bridge projects for those interested in more specific information of the widening of the Huey P. Long Bridge in Jefferson Parish (, the new construction of the John James Audubon Mississippi River Bridge north of Baton Rouge ( and the new construction of the Florida Avenue Bridge at the Industrial Canal in New Orleans East (
“One of the most exciting features of the revised Web sites is the launch of our new blogs. Blogs are a great tool for us to communicate with the public in a very casual, non-technical way and really help residents identify and understand our projects,” Newsome said. “Blogs are posted at least once weekly on the TIMED Program in general, the Huey P. Long Bridge widening and the new Audubon Bridge construction and all blogs link from our Web site home pages.”
Blogs are Internet journals that display in reverse chronological order and are typically written in a conversational style. Readers are encouraged to post comments and questions on blogs to spur future entries and discussions.
Visitors to the TIMED Web sites can find fact sheets on the active TIMED projects, construction Web cams, a photo gallery, bridge animations and computer generated renderings, construction terms and glossary, press releases and media clips on Program activities, current annual report, frequently asked questions and contact information. Visitors can also sign up to receive quarterly newsletters and updates from the TIMED Program.
“If anyone has a question on the TIMED Program, is interested in TIMED construction or wants to learn more about construction processes and techniques, then our Web sites are the resources for them,” Newsome added. “The TIMED Program is benefiting the entire state of Louisiana and the TIMED Web sites ensure our residents and visitors know about these benefits.”
The TIMED Program was created by legislation in 1989 and is funded by a dedicated four-cents-per-gallon gasoline and special fuels tax. The gas tax will be in place until the bonds are repaid. The $4.7 billion program includes 16 specific transportation projects that include four-laning 536 miles of state highways, widening and /or new construction on three major bridges and improvements to both the Port of New Orleans and Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport. The program is designed to enhance economic development in Louisiana through an investment in transportation projects.
For more information on the TIMED Program, contact the Public Outreach Office at 1-866-846-3352 or visit