New DOTD Short List for Advertisement No. 4400017088, Comite Diversion Canal CE&I and Utility Relocation
Friday, September 20, 2019 at 2:05:44 PM
Attention Consultant Community:

A new DOTD project Short List has been posted to the DOTD website for the following project(s):

Contract No. 4400017088
Comite Diversion Canal Ce&I and Utility Relocation
State Project Nos. H.007811, H.000710, H.002273 and H.001352
F.A.P. Nos. H.007811, H.000710, H.002273 and H.001352
Routes US 61, LA 964, LA 19 and LA 67
East Baton Rouge Parish

All DOTD short lists can be found at the CCS website link below

All protests should be submitted in writing on the prime consultant’s company letterhead and addressed to the Consultant Contracts Administrator. The protest should be sent by email and only to effective immediately.

DOTD Consultant Ads Section 80

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