Bridge Design Technical Memorandum No 86 (BDTM.86) - Mash Implementation - Update to Special Provision for Permanent Impact Attenuators
Tuesday, February 19, 2019 at 2:48:57 PM
Good Afternoon All,

Please be advised that the following Bridge Design Technical Memorandum (BDTM) has been approved by the Bridge Design Engineer Administrator and published on DOTD Bridge Design Section website ( for implementation. The BDTM index has been updated and posted as well.

Bridge Design Technical Memorandum No 86 (BDTM.86) - Mash Implementation - Update to Special Provision for Permanent Impact Attenuators

This BDTM serves as notification to designers of a revision to the Special Provision for permanent impact attenuators for the purpose of compliance with the AASHTO/FHWA “Joint Implementation Agreement for MASH”, dated January 7, 2016, and the FHWA memo entitled “Eligibility of Crash Cushion Devices (MASH)”, dated December 20, 2018.

This email notification is distributed to DOTD in-house bridge design section staff, consultant firms on the DOTD solicitation list, and the people on the cc list. If you are listed as the Principle-In-Charge for a consultant firm, please inform your bridge designers of this BDTM. Thank you.


Adam Lancaster, P.E.
LA Dept. of Transportation & Development HQ
Section 25 - Bridge Design, 606D
(225) 379-1015

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