Maree Michel and Creek Bridges

Project Details
State Proj. No.: H.002132
Start date:
June 2014

Finish date:
May 2015

Cost: $3 million
Contractor: Coastal Bridge Co., L.L.C.
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This $3 million project involves replacing the Maree Michel and Creek Bridges along La. 91. In keeping with the Everyday Counts Initiative, the project was selected as a pilot for the use of GRS-IBS (Geosynthetic Reinforced Soil-Integrated Bridge System) innovative technology during construction. The use of GRS-IBS technology during construction deviates from conventional bridge technology by eliminating the need for driven piles by applying compacted material as a support for the substructure, which would reduce construction costs, construction duration and minimize environmental impacts.

This project was also the recipient of the 2013 FHWA Highways for Life grant, in the amount of $376,572, which will provide funds for implementation of innovative technologies and to improve safety during construction.

This project began in June 2014 and is estimated for completion in May 2015.

*Special Note: This application of GRS-IBS technology on this project would be the first permanent bridge installation with this foundation type in Louisiana.