The project is located in Coteau, Louisiana in Iberia Parish. The proposed project (LA 88 realignment) begins on LA 88 at Control Section (C.S.) 397-05 at Control Section Log Mile (CSLM) 3.280 at the intersection of LA 88 and Snapper Road (Latitude 30.050797, Longitude -91.918170) and proceeds eastward to CSLM 4.060 approximately 500 feet northeast of the intersection of LA 88 and New Horizon Drive (Latitude 30.05013, Longitude -91.90302). The scope of the proposed project consists of the re-alignment of LA 88 in Coteau, Louisiana in Iberia Parish. This re-alignment is proposed to eliminate two curves which will serve large vehicles. The re-alignment shall include intersections to connect the existing LA 88 (Coteau Road) at the beginning and end of the project. There will be an extension of Fremin Road at the intersection of LA 88 and east connector will be created that will align LA 88 to the end of the project. The re-alignment shall begin approximately 0.65 miles from the intersection of the centerline of US 90 and LA 88. The LA 88 curves will be realigned north of the existing roadway. The new alignment will be located northeast of Coteau Elementary in an existing agricultural field. Additional work will consist of the replacement and addition of drainage structures, general excavation, and the addition of reflectorized raised pavement markers and plastic pavement striping.
Phased construction will be utilized to allow traffic to continue to use LA 88. Additional right-of-way will be required and relocations are not anticipated. The total proposed project is approximately 16.670 acres.