Proposal H.015296.6 Item Summary

Scheduled for Letting 02/14/2024  
1/24/2024 - Added to the letting of February 14, 2024. SPECIAL NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS: The Build America Buy America ("BABA") provisions of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (“IIJA”) as defined in PL 117-58, enacted on November 15, 2021, apply to this project.

NOTE: Items and quantities shown are provided for informational purposes only and are subject to revision.
0001202-02-02020Removal of Asphalt Pavement SQYD370.4
0002202-02-14500Removal of Guard Rail LNFT700.1
0003203-01-00100General Excavation CUYD49
0004203-07-00100Borrow (Vehicular Measurement) CUYD98
0005502-01-00100Asphalt Concrete TON271.6
0006502-01-00200Asphalt Concrete, Drives, Turnouts and Miscellaneous TON91.5
0007509-01-00100Milling Asphalt Pavement SQYD1,223
0008509-02-00100Contractor Retained Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement CUYD-56
0009510-01-00300Pavement Patching (18" Minimum Thickness) SQYD93
0010704-03-00100Blocked Out Guard rail LNFT31.3
0011704-03-00200Blocked Out Guard Rail - 31", (6'-3" Post Spacing) LNFT131.3
0012704-05-00100Guard Rail Anchor Sections (Trailing End) LNFT6.3
0013704-06-00200Guard Rail Bridge Attachments (Single Thrie Beam) LNFT93.8
0014704-07-00200Guard Rail Transitions (Double Thrie Beam) LNFT200
0015704-10-00205Guard Rail End Treatment, MASH, (TL-3 Tangent) EACH7
0016713-01-00100Temporary Signs and Barricades LUMP1
0017713-03-01000Temporary Pavement Markings (Broken Line) (4" Width) (4' Length) MILE0.48
0018713-03-02000Temporary Pavement Markings (Broken Line) (4" Width) (10' Length) MILE0.48
0019713-04-01000Temporary Pavement Markings (Solid Line) (4" Width) MILE1.872
0020713-11-00100Portable Changeable Message Signs EACH2
0021716-01-00100Mulch (Vegetative) TON0.2
0022717-01-00100Seeding LB4
0023718-01-00100Fertilizer LB40
0024727-01-00100Mobilization LUMP1
0025729-16-00300Object Marker Assembly (Type 3) EACH8
0026731-02-00100Reflectorized Raised Pavement Markers EACH120
0027732-02-02000Plastic Pavement Striping (Solid Line) (4" Width) (Thermoplastic 90 mil) MILE0.936
0028732-05-00100Removal of Existing Markings MILE0.11
0029740-01-00100Construction Layout LUMP1
0030NS-500-00340Saw Cutting Asphalt Concrete Pavement INLF792