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Traveler Information    - The 511 Travel Information Service gives updates on road conditions and emergency closures 24-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week. ... ... website511, 56
American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials    - The American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan association representing... ... websiteAASHTO
Average Daily Traffic Count    - Contact: (225) 242-4560 or ... websiteADT
Association of Levee Boards in Louisiana    - Association of Levee Boards Post Office Box 2961Baton Rouge, LA 70821 (225) 243-4452 faxlouisianalevee@live.comFrom the nort... ... websiteALBL
Bridge Management Systems    - Contact: (225) 242-4578 Bridge and Pavement Management Systems Provide information on existing condition for the State... ... websiteBMS, 21
Capital Area Transit System    - CATS ; City Bus; 225-389-8282 OR 389-8920 (Location: 2250 Fla.... ... websiteCATS
HOV Lanes for CCC    - The hours are the same on the weekend and during the week: Eastbank bound: 5a-Noon Westbank bound: 1p-Mid, Mid-4a This ...CCC, 59
Consultant Contract Services    - Contact: (225) 379-1989 Our Mission: To provide customer driven services through teamwork and partnership for consultant serv... ... websiteCCS, 80
Commercial Drivers License    - Commericial drivers licenses (CDL) are handled by Office of Motor Vehicles (OMV). Commercial drivers employed in the transportat... ... websiteCDL
Cold In-place Recycling    - A process in which a portion of an existing bituminous pavement is pulverized or milled, and then the reclaimed material is mixe...CIR
Concrete Pavement Restoration    - A series of repair techniques used to preserve or improve the structural capacity or functional characteristics of a PCC pavemen...CPR
Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement    - PCC pavement constructed with sufficient longitudinal steel reinforcement to control transverse-crack spacings and openings in l...CRCP
Disadvantaged Business Enterprises    - Contact: (225) 379-1382 How can I obtain a certification application? Where can I obtain a list of Certified DBE's? On the Co... ... websiteDBE, 37
Louisiana Division of Administration    - Contact: 1-800-354-9548 or (225) 342-7000 Louisiana Division of Administration: We hope to provide easy access to informat... ... websiteDOA
Engineering Directives & Standards ... websiteEDSM, 1
Federal Emergency Management Agency    - Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)'s mission within the Department of Homeland Security is to lead the effort to prepare... ... websiteFEMA
Federal Highway Administration    - At the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), we strive every day to improve transportation for a strong America. Our top priori... ... websiteFHWA
1G Trucking permits and Trucker questions    - Truck Permits: If someone has a question about overweight, oversized, harvest, agricultural or escort/pilot car permits ...Freq, 09
1N Damage Claim to my Automobile or Property    - How do I file a claim for damage done to my vehicle on a state route? If a caller says their vehicle or property was dam...Freq, 09
1U Roadside Memorials    - What is Louisiana's policy on roadside memorials? Roadside memorials are encroachments on DOTD right of way and are illegal. Ho...Freq, 09
Geographical Information Systems/Mapping    - 225-379-1283websiteGIS
Emergency Preparedness, Office of Homeland Security ... websiteGOHSEP
Hot In-place Recycling    - A process which consists of softening the existing asphalt surface with heat, mechanically removing the surface material, mixing...HIR
Hot Mix Asphalt Concrete    - A thoroughly controlled mixture of asphalt binder and well-graded, high quality aggregate thoroughly compacted into a uniform de...HMAC
Human Resources    - Contact: (225) 379-1259 ... websiteHR, 16
International Friction Index    - A measure of pavement macrotexture and wet pavement friction at 60 miles per hour determined using measured friction at some tes...IFI
International Roughness Index    - A measure of a pavement's longitudinal surface profile as measured in the wheelpath by a vehicle traveling at typical operating ...IRI
Intelligent Transportation Systems    - Contact: (225) 379-2516 ITS is a national initiative aimed at using state-of-the-art technology to increase the safety and effi... ... websiteITS
Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement    - PCC pavement constructed with regularly spaced transverse joints to control all natural cracks expected in the concrete. Dowel b...JPCP
Jointed Reinforced Concrete Pavement    - Portland cement concrete pavement containing regularly spaced transverse joints and embedded steel mesh reinforcement (sometimes...JRCP
Louisiana Associated General Contractors    - Contact: LAGC Headquarters 666 North St. Baton Rouge, LA 70802 (225) 344-0432 Louisiana Associated General C... ... websiteLAGC
Louisiana Employees Online    - LEO- Louisiana Employee Online - providing State employees a universe of infomation. ... websiteLEO
Louisiana Offshore Oil Port    - Contact Us: Phone (337) 262-6114 Fax (337) 262-6214 All About LOOP: BATON ROUGE - LOOP is America's first and only deep-wa... ... websiteLOOP
Louisiana State Licensing Board for Contractors    - Contact: (225) 765-2301 The purpose of the legislature in enacting this Chapter is the protection of the health, safety, and ... ... websiteLSLBC
Louisiana State Police    - Louisiana State Police 1-800-469-4828 or * LSP or *577 on a Cell Phone ... ... websiteLSP
Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges    - Copies of our 2016 Louisiana Standard Specifications for Roads and Bridges (LSSRB) "Purple Book" manual can be purchased from ou... ... websiteLSSRB
Louisiana Transportation Authority ... websiteLTA
Louisiana Transportation Research Center    - Contact: (225) 767-9139 Since its creation by the legislature in 1986, Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC) has grown... ... websiteLTRC, 19
Motorist Assistance Patrol    - Internally, Check out this information: How to handle call How to handle a complaint Other information. ... websiteMAP
Materials and Testing    - Contact: (225) 248-4131 The mission of the Materials and Testing Section is to develop, administer, and regulate the departm... ... websiteMat Lab, 22
Metropolitan Planning Organizations    - Lafayette MPO - (337) 291-8016 Northwest Louisiana Council of Governments (NLCOG) - (318) 841-5957 Regional Planning Commissio...MPO
Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices    - The Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or MUTCD defines the standards used by road managers nationwide to install and ma... ... websiteMUTCD
National Environmental Policy Act    - The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) requires federal agencies to integrate environmental values into their decision mak... ... websiteNEPA
National Flood Insurance Program    - Contact: (225) 274-4347 or (225) 274-3452 The Department of Transportation and Development is the State Coordinating Agency f... ... websiteNFIP, 64
Projectwise    - ProjectWise - Is a software application that manages project drawings and other project data; and facilitates project collaborat...none, 04
Open-Graded Friction Course    - A thin HMA surface course consisting of a mix of an asphalt binder and open-graded (also called uniformly graded) aggregate. An ...OGFC
Office of Risk Management    - Contact: (225) 219-0168 Our mission is to develop, direct, achieve and administer a cost effective comprehensive risk ...ORM
PERBA Express    - Permit Office hours are weekdays 6:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Internet permits received after 3:00 p.m. may not be processed u... ... websitePERBA, 43
Pavement Management Systems    - Contact: (225) 242-4577 or PMS, 21
Qualified Products List    - Contact: (225) 248-4131 ... websiteQPL, 22
Right-of-Way    - Right-of-way permit If you are calling for a for a right-of-way permit please click this link District Right-of-Way Contacts. I... ... websiteROW, 23
Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer    - A thin layer that is placed between an underlying pavement and an HMA overlay for the purpose of dissipating movements and stres...SAMI
Stone Matrix Asphalt    - A mixture of asphalt binder, stabilizer material, mineral filler, and gap-graded aggregate. SMAs are used as a rut resistant we...SMA
Sabine River Authority    - Toledo Bend LakeThe Toledo Bend Project was constructed by the Sabine River Authority, State of Louisiana and the Sabine River A... ... websiteSRA, 60
State Transportation Improvement Program    - Contact: (225) 242-4572 The STIP is the document that outlines all activities for which DOTD anticipates requesting federal fun...STIP
Transportation Alternatives Program    - Contact: (225) 379-1585 The Transportation Alternatives Program is a Federally funded program administered through LaDOTD. The ... ... websiteTAP
Transportation Management Plans    - A Transportation Management Plan (TMP) lays out a set of coordinated transportation management strategies and describes how they... ... websiteTMP
Rideshare Companies Permit    - Regulation of transportation network companies (TNCs) throughout the state has begun. Act 286 from the legislature's 2019 reg...Uber, 72
Louisiana Unified Certification Program ... websiteUCP
Army Corps of Engineers    - The United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is made up of approximately 34,600 Civilian and 650 military members. Military... ... websiteUSACE
Ultra-thin Whitetopping    - A thin (2 to 4 inch [50 to 100 mm]) PCC overlay over an existing HMA pavement. UTW is a functional overlay that provides a stabl...UTW