COURSE ANNOUNCEMENT - Traffic Engineering Process & Report (Pre-Booking - Dates to be Announced)
Wednesday, January 03, 2024 at 10:58:05 AM
Course Announcement / Pre-Booking:
As part of DOTD's on-going commitment to high quality traffic engineering reports, a traffic engineering course must be taken by traffic engineering PEs and EIs in order to be eligible to work on DOTD projects. When traffic is included as a discipline on which past performance is evaluated, for consultants performing traffic engineering services ) i.e., traffic analysis throughout all DOTD project stages and/or QC of traffic analysis), appropriate personnel must successfully complete the three (3) modules of the Traffic Engineering Process and Report Course offered by Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC). Individuals must be registered for this course, and/or completed, no later than the time the proposal is submitted. Copies of registration and/or training certificates are to be included in Section 20 of the proposal. It will be the prime consultant's responsibility to ensure their staff and sub-consultants complete the training.
Target Audience: This 3 part class is meant for traffic engineering PEs and EIs and meets the requirement for those individuals to be eligible to work on DOTD projects.
Module 1: Introduction - Provides background on development and purpose of the Process & Report Guidelines. Explains basic fundamentals of Traffic Reports and QA/QC processes with a high level overview of the process.
Module 2: Data Collection & Existing Safety Analysis - Discusses Appendix A, B, and C and Chapter 1
Module 3: Existing Analysis - Discusses Appendix E and Chapter 2
Outcomes: Upon completion of this course series participants will have a clear understanding of LADOTD requirements for the development of Traffic Engineering Reports and what process is to be followed for review and approval of traffic studies.
Module 1 – None
Module 2 – 70% or above on Class 1 test
Module 3 – 70% or above on Class 2 test
PDHs: 8 PDHs will be given upon completion of the 3 modules.
Registration Fees: (Will be paid once registration is confirmed)
Course can be paid via credit card, check, or money order.
DOTD: LTRC Pays Registration Fee
State and Local Governments: $20
Private Industry/Consultants/Contractors: $35
To be announced
Louisiana Transportation Research Center (LTRC)
4099 Gourrier Avenue
Baton Rouge, LA 70708
Registration Details:
You must have an existing profile and/or create a profile in the LTRC Registration Management System to register for this course.