Greetings! I am glad to say, we have revised the Materials Sampling Manual requirements for Recycled Portland Cement Concrete (RPCC).
1. New RPCC Certification Form – once completed and signed by the District Lab Engineer, the RPCC Aggregate source is approved.
a. Requires site plan and labeling of stockpiles – to ensure inspectors know where to sample
b. Allows for out-of-state suppliers to be certified, with proper documentation
2. Eliminated S-801- Source Approval, Sampling and Testing Program for RPCC
a. Eliminates redundant information covered in the Standard Specifications, the RPCC Certification Form, and the Materials Sampling Manual.
b. Creates more relevant and efficient processing and handling system.
3. Revised the Materials Sampling Manual
a. Requires abrasion testing on a project-basis, rather than at the time of source approval. Project sampling is more frequent and more representative of the material used. With the elimination of soundness testing, the Matlab can handle the extra abrasion testing.
b. Emphasizes the importance of visual inspection to prevent contamination from cinder blocks, soil, clay bricks, etc…

As always, we welcome comments or questions.
Thanks, Luanna
Luanna Cambas, P.E.
Materials Engineer Administrator
DOTD Materials and Testing Section (Matlab)
5080 Florida Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
504-427-7889 cell
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