BDTM.100 – Publication of Revision to "Standard Procedures for Final Plan Transmittal and Modifications" - under EDSM I.1.1.28
Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 4:07:47 PM
To all:

Please be advised that the following Bridge Design Technical Memorandum (BDTM) has been approved by the Bridge Design Engineer Administrator and published on the DOTD Bridge Design Section website for implementation at:

The BDTM index has been updated and posted as well.

BDTM.100 – Publication of Revision to "Standard Procedures for Final Plan Transmittal and Modifications" - under EDSM I.1.1.28


This revises the EDSM I.1.1.28 attachment titled "Standard Procedures for Final Plan Transmittal and Modifications." The BDTM summarizes the procedure changes and addresses implementation of the revised process. For convenience, revision details are further summarized below:

· The process for developing and processing Change Order plan sheets has been revised as follows:

o Change Order Number is now required on the Change Order plan stamp. A new stamp with number field is now available.
o Change Order plan sheets will now be developed in coordination with the Construction Section Area Engineer, followed by Change Order approval, then publication of plan sheets to General Files.
o DOTDFORMs for Final Plans, Revisions, and Change Orders have been revised for use with the new (revised) process.
o Plan Sheet Examples (in the appendix of the EDSM attachment) have been revised to illustrate the new process for Change Ordered plan sheets.
o The new process is to be implemented on projects that have not yet had Change Orders involving Change Ordered plan sheets.
o Projects that have already had Change Orders involving Change Ordered plan sheets will continue to using the "old" process - meaning, whatever process is currently being used on that project.
o For using the "old" process, the "Change Order and/or Special Agreement" stamp will remain available, as will the corresponding DOTD Forms for transmittals.

· The sheet numbering procedure for Plan Revisions has been updated to provide options for cases of Plan Revisions that require removing sheets from the plan set.

· The Title Sheet "Schedule of Revisions" has been revised (see Plan Sheet Examples in the procedure appendix). The revised "Schedule of Revisions" has been placed on the standard DOTD Title Sheet.

· Minor editorial changes were made to clarify intent and improve consistency throughout the procedure document.

This email notification and BDTM are distributed to all DOTD in-house and consultant bridge designers.

This email notification is copied to those copied on the BDTM, and also to Consultant Contracts Services staff in order to distribute the e-mail and BDTM to consultant firms on the DOTD solicitation list. If you are listed as the Principle-In-Charge for a consultant firm, please inform your design staff of this BDTM. Thank you.

Kelly M. Kemp, P.E.
Bridge and Structural Design Section
LA Dept. of Transportation and Development
Office: (225) 379-1809

Please do not reply to this e-mail from MyDOTD. The originating e-mail account is not monitored by Consultant Contract Services (CCS). If you need assistance with the information in this email, please contact Kelly Kemp directly.