Highlights of New Advertisement and Proposal Evaluation Process
Thursday, July 16, 2020 at 2:37:15 PM
DOTD begins a new evaluation process for consultants’ proposals received in response to advertisements issued on or after July 1, 2020. Because of the new evaluation process, changes have been made to the advertisement language which will significantly affect how a consultant prepares its proposal. Some of the changes are highlighted below:
• There will only be one DOTD Form 24-102 submitted per consultant team. Previously, the prime consultant and each sub-consultant had to submit individual DOTD Forms 24-102 that were bound together. Now, the prime consultant’s and each sub-consultants’ information will be consolidated on a single DOTD Form 24-102.
• The DOTD Form 24-102 has changed significantly. Until further notice, proposals in response to all advertisements issued on or after July 1, 2020 must be submitted on the DOTD Form 24-102 dated July 16, 2020. The July 16, 2020 version can be found at the following link under Forms: http://wwwsp.dotd.la.gov/Inside_LaDOTD/Divisions/Engineering/CCS/Pages/Manuals_Forms_Agreements.aspx.
• There is no longer a requirement to submit an Annual Personnel List (APL).
• A new evaluation criteria, Approach and Methodology, has been created.
• The evaluation criteria weights have been revised to reflect the following:
1. firm experience on similar projects, weighting factor of three (3);
2. staff experience on similar projects, weighting factor of four (4);
3. firm size as related to the project magnitude, weighting factor of three (3);
4. past performance on similar DOTD projects, weighting factor of six (6);
5. current work load with DOTD, weighting factor of five (5);
6. approach and methodology, weighting factor of nine (9).
• Evaluation Disciplines have replaced Past Performance Rating Categories to better align with the new narrative Past Performance Evaluation System. The Evaluation Disciplines are Road, Bridge, Traffic, CE&I/OV, Geotech, Survey, Environmental, Data Collection, Planning, Right-of-Way, CPM, ITS, Appraiser and Other.
• All advertisements include a provision entitled “Compliance with Supplemental Ethics Requirements”. DOTD has established supplemental ethics requirements applicable to consultants and Project Evaluation Team members. These requirements are found in the “Supplemental Ethics Requirements” article of the sample contract linked to the advertisement. Any firm that is found to have violated these requirements may not be considered for selection.
• Three Project Evaluation Teams have been established to evaluate proposals. The names of the initial members of these teams can be found at the following link under General Information: http://wwwsp.dotd.la.gov/Inside_LaDOTD/Divisions/Engineering/CCS/Pages/Process_Procedures.aspx.
• Proposals are to be submitted electronically and must be received by DOTD by the time and date specified in the advertisement. There is no requirement for a hard copy to be delivered.
As stated above, these are only some of the changes made to DOTD’s advertisement and evaluation process. It is imperative that you carefully review both the new DOTD Form 24-102 and the new advertisement language prior to submitting a proposal in response to any advertisement issued on or after July 1, 2020.
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