WEBINAR ANNOUNCEMENT: Overview of the Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) and Probe Data Analytics at DOTD
Friday, June 05, 2020 at 8:13:12 AM
I am excited to announce that DOTD/LTRC has recently contracted with the Center for Advanced Transportation Technology Laboratory (CATT Lab) to provide access to their Regional Integrated Transportation Information System (RITIS) platform and Probe Data Analytics (PDA) Suite of tools. RITIS is an automated data fusion and dissemination system that provides an enhanced overall view of the transportation network. DOTD staff, contractors, and partner agencies (e.g., MPOs and Universities) are able to view and download transportation and related emergency management information through innovative visualizations and use it to improve their traffic operations and emergency preparedness. There are three main RITIS components for Louisiana DOTD including: 1) real-time data feeds (from Inrix) , 2) real-time situational awareness tools, and 3) archived data and analysis tools.
DOTD has also procured use of the Probe Data Analytics (PDA) Suite of tools which give users tremendous capabilities to evaluate system performance in support of planning, traffic operations, research and other activities. PDA uses 3rd party probe data fused with other agency transportation data to provide a true “big data” analytics platform. These data are then leveraged by several different apps to generate actionable data summaries, maps, graphs, charts and unique visualizations for detailed analyses and reporting. For more information about the tools, click here (note that DOTD only has access to the tools that start with RITIS or PDA).
There are 2 webinar sessions scheduled for 10am on June 12th and June 16th to give potential users an introductory overview of RITIS and the PDA tools. It is only necessary to attend one of the webinars as they will be identical. The webinars will be conducted via Zoom and you can obtain the connection details by clicking on the appropriate calendar invitation (attached). The agenda for these webinars is attached as well. We will also be offering full-day in-person training sessions for the tools once the current COVID-19 situations allows.
Please join us for one of the sessions to find out how to gain access to these tools and learn how they can benefit your work at/with DOTD and its partners! Don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly should you have any questions.
Kirk M. Zeringue, P.E.
Special Studies Research Administrator
Louisiana DOTD
Louisiana Transportation Research Center
225-767-9169 (office)
504-559-0124 (cell)