Bridge Design Technical Memorandum No. 89 - New Plan Sheet Border and Standard Plan Sheet Border
Tuesday, April 21, 2020 at 7:10:04 AM

Please be advised that the following Bridge Design Technical Memorandum (BDTM) has been approved by the Bridge Design Engineer Administrator and Road Design Engineer Administrator and published on the DOTD Bridge Design Section website ( for implementation. The BDTM index has been updated and posted as well.

BDTM.89 – New Plan Sheet Border and Standard Plan Border

Following direction from the Chief Engineer, this BDTM details the publication of new title blocks for use with Louisiana DOTD plan sheets and Louisiana DOTD Standard Plans.

The purpose of the changes to the current title blocks are as follows:
1. Create consistency in the title block format and appearance throughout project plan sets
2. Create a consistent dedicated location on the sheet (within the title block) for the preliminary stamp and the engineer’s stamp and signature

This email notification is distributed to all DOTD in-house designers, consultant firms on the DOTD solicitation list, and the people on the cc list. If you are listed as the Principle-In-Charge for a consultant firm, please inform your bridge designers of this BDTM. Thank you.

Adam Lancaster, P.E.
LA Dept. of Transportation & Development HQ
Section 25 - Bridge Design, 606D
(225) 379-1015

Please do not reply to this e-mail from MyDOTD. The originating e-mail account is not monitored by Consultant Contract Services (CCS). If you need assistance with the information in this email, please contact Adam Lancaster directly.