PCI Webinars
How Precast Builds: Bridge Geometry
PCI Webinars Provide CE Credit
Website: https://www.pci.org/PCI/Education/Continuing_Education/Webinars/PCI/Education/Webinars.aspx?hkey=af830820-c6d4-47db-bc3d-1b2c45681676
Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute's 2019 webinar series provides a way to stay updated on new materials, products, concepts, and more. PCI's one-hour webinars are designed to fit into a lunch break and can be accessed individually or presented to a group. The free webinars also offer a convenient way for architects and engineers to earn continuing education credits.
Industry experts present the information based on a variety of precast topics. Each webinar will be presented twice during the week to accommodate schedules. This month's free webinars will take place Tuesday, April 16, at 2:00 pm Eastern, and Tuesday, April 30, at 2:00 PM Eastern.
Each webinar is registered for one hour of continuing education credit. Continuing education credits may include LUs/PDHs. To receive credit, you must attend the full webinar and provide complete registration information.
Bridge Geometry Manual and Training Webinars
A "Bridge Geometry Manual" has been developed as a resource for bridge engineers and CAD technicians. In nine chapters, the manual presents the basics of roadway geometry and many of the calculations required to define the geometry and associated dimensions of bridges. A simple log-in to the PCI website is all that is needed to download these free resources. This manual and course is not linked to any software tool. Four instructor-led training (ILT) courses are being developed to facilitate the use of the Bridge Geometry Manual.
This document was created by a team of subject matter experts (SMEs) directed by John Corven,P.E. of Corven Engineering Inc., the Lead SME. The team was engaged in each stage of development. At the final draft, the PCI Committee on Bridges was balloted. Lastly, the PCI Technical Activities Council was balloted. All comments resulting from these reviews were reconciled to the satisfaction of the reviewers.
Mr. Corven has now developed four companion courses based on the approved document and PCI is excited to share this information. The target audience for the Bridge Geometry Manual and ILT courses is bridge engineers with two or less years of experience and CAD technicians who have not had previous training in roadway and bridge geometry. There is no cost to enroll in and complete any of these courses or to download the new manual.
Fundamentals of Roadway Geometry (T505)
April 16, 2019 at 2:00 PM Eastern
Fundamental to establishing bridge geometry and the resulting geometry and dimensions of bridges is the ability to work with roadway geometry provided by highway designers. Terminology used in roadway geometry is discussed. The three primary aspects of roadway geometry (horizontal alignment, vertical profile, and cross section super elevations) are presented in this course. Stationing along horizontal alignments is also defined. Mathematical formulae and graphical representations are presented to define these three primary aspects, along with worked example problems. Click here to register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/6141292907612076034
Working with Horizontal Alignments (T510)
April 30, 2019 at 2:00 PM Eastern time
Locating points along or offset from a horizontal alignment is necessary to defining bridge geometry. This course presents a vector-based approach to locating the North and East coordinates of point defined by a horizontal alignment. The vector-based approach was taken as it closely follows the way CAD software is used. Vector solutions are presented for 1) Locating points on tangent runs and circular curves, 2) Locating points offset from tangent runs and circular curves, and 3) Project points onto a tangent run or circular curve. Click here to register: https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/2597111733476262658
About Tpac
Tpac, founded in 1954, is the Southwest's largest producer of precast/prestressed concrete building elements used in architectural, structural, and transportation applications. Its products are used in parking structures, bridges, and large commercial buildings, including offices and hospitals, stadia, justice/correctional, industrial and mixed-use facilities. Tpac provides design assistance and preconstruction services to specifiers, customers, and the design community in Arizona, Southern California, Nevada, Utah, New Mexico and West Texas. Tpac is a recognized regional leader in the design, manufacture and erection of total precast concrete structural systems, and has been a certified producer of the Precast/Prestressed Concrete Institute from the inception of the PCI certification program. Please visit www.TpacAZ.com for more information.
About The EnCon Companies
The EnCon Companies are specialty contractors providing precast/prestressed concrete systems and services to all facets of the construction marketplace. In addition to the corporate offices and the design group, EnCon Companies maintains nine manufacturing facilities nationwide. Recognized as one of the leading precast companies in the United States, EnCon is pioneering the use of the latest technology for the design and fabrication of precast structures. For more information, visit www.EnConUnited.com.
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