Louisiana Transit Resource Guide

Terrebonne Parish
Last Update: 6/28/2024 12:00:00 AM
Operated By: Good Earth Transit
Legislative Districts: Senate Districts 20, 21; House Districts 51,52,53,55
Congressional Districts: 3
Contact: Wendell Voisin
Address: P. O. Box 6097, 137 Intracoastal Drive
Houma LA   70361
Phone: (985) 850-4616
Fax: (504) 850-4619
Email Address: transit@tpcg.org
Funding Class: Small Urban
Profile of System
The Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government initiated transit services for the City of Houma on February 12, 1997. The transit system, Good Earth Transit, provides a scheduled fixed-route service using four routes in the Houma area. All Good Earth buses are ADA accessible.

Terrebonne Parish has a cooperative agreement with the City of Thibodaux to provide bus fixed route and paratransit service in the City of Thibodaux in a coordinated manner to create a seamless bus system between the City of Houma and the City of Thibodaux.
Characteristics of System
Vehicles: 12 heavy-duty buses, 3 light-duty buses, 2 paratransit
Clients Served: General Public
ServiceProvided: Fixed Route and Paratransit
Operating Hours: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., M-F8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Weekends and Holidays
Base Fare: $1.00
$2.50 DayPass
Service Area: City of Houma, City of Thibodaux
2020 Ridership Data
Total Operating Costs: $1,821,172
Ridership: 68,007
Annual System Miles: 305,003
Cost Per Trip: $26.78
Cost Per Hour: $149.32
Cost Per Mile: $5.97
Type of System: Urban
Terrebonne ARC
Last Update: 5/20/2024 12:00:00 AM
Operated By: Terrebonne ARC
Legislative Districts: Senate Districts 20, 21; House Districts 51,52,53,55
Congressional Districts: 1, 3
Contact: Rodger Shelton, Dir of Transp
Address: #1 McCord Road
Houma LA   70363
Phone: (985) 876-4465
Fax: (985) 223-7387
Email Address: rshelton@terrebonnearc.org
Funding Class: 5310 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
Transportation Goals
Terrebonne ARC provides innovative services, the opportunity for community inclusion and the enjoyment of a meaningful life for people without regards to race, color, religion, nationality, or limits to the English language in Terrebonne Parish with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, by providing safe, efficient, and timely transportation to and from work, appointments, and recreational needs.
Vehicles: 13 (13 are lift-equipped)
Clients Served: Intellectual Disabilites within our system
ServiceProvided: Demand-response
Operating Hours: 6:00am-9:30am
Monday thru Friday
240 days per year
Base Fare: None
Service Area: Terrebonne Parish
Type of System: Specialized
Terrebonne Parish Consolidated Government
Last Update: 6/12/2024 12:00:00 AM
Operated By: Terrebonne Council on Aging, Inc.
Legislative Districts: Senate 21 House 52
Congressional Districts: 1st
Contact: Michel Claudet, Executive Director
Address: 995 West Tunnel Blvd
Houma LA   70360-5557
Phone: (985) 868-8411
Fax: (985) 868-7806
Email Address: info@terrebonnecoa.org
Funding Class: Rural - Section 5311 - Local Millage
Vehicles: 24
Clients Served: General Public Rural and Elderly/Disabled
ServiceProvided: Transportation
Operating Hours: 6:00am - 5:00pm M-F
Saturday Dialysis only
Base Fare: $1.00 one way for General Public Rural Passengers
Service Area: Terrebonne Parish only
FY 23 Transportation Data
Total Operating Costs: $1,176,186
Ridership: 41,015
Annual System Miles: 410,428
Cost Per Trip: $28.68
Cost Per Mile: $2.87
Type of System: Elderly, Disabled, and General Public Rural