Louisiana Transit Resource Guide

Saint Bernard Parish
St. Bernard Parish Government
Last Update: 6/28/2024 12:00:00 AM
Operated By: St. Bernard Transit
Legislative Districts: Senate Districts 1 & 3; House District 103
Congressional Districts: 1
Contact: Michael Bayham
Address: 8201 West Judge Perez Dr.
Chalmette LA   70043
Phone: (504) 277-1907
Fax: (504) 324-7139
Email Address: mbayham@sbpg.net
Funding Class: Large Urban - FTA Sec 5307
Profile of System
St. Bernard Parish provides scheduled fixed/deviated route transit service through its transit system. Operated by the parish, one fixed route with route deviations is provided. All buses operated by St. Bernard Transit are wheelchair lift-equipped.
Characteristics of System
Vehicles: 5 buses
Clients Served: St.Bernard Parish Residents
Operating Hours: 6:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m., M-F with similar service on some holidays
Base Fare: $1.00
$0.50 elderly, disabled, Medicare
Service Area: St. Bernard Parish.
2021 System Data
Total Operating Costs: $640,000
Ridership: 92,000
Annual System Miles: 120,000
Type of System: Urban