Louisiana Transit Resource Guide

Catahoula Parish
Catahoula ARC
Last Update: 6/24/2024 12:00:00 AM
Operated By: Catahoula ARC
Legislative Districts: 32nd
Congressional Districts: 5th
Contact: Debbie Manning, Administrator
Address: P. O. Box 789 810 First St.
Jonesville LA   71343
Phone: (318) 339-8176
Fax: (318) 339-7716
Email Address: carccenter@bellsouth.net
Funding Class: 5310 Seniors and Persons with Disabilities
Provide transportation to developmental/delayed adults age 18 years of age and older. Transportation provided to and from Center, Employment sites and individual consumer needs (bank, post office, dollar store, grocery store, Doctor appointment, community outings)
Vehicles: 5310/2018 & 2019 Ford Elkhart Bus, Center owned/2012 Ford Van, 2015 Dodge, 2016 Ford Transit
Clients Served: Adults 18 years and above with Developmental Disabilities who have been referred to our program which is licensed by DHH/Dept. of Social Services.
ServiceProvided: Demand-responsive
Operating Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m., M-F 240 days a year
Base Fare: Not applicable
Service Area: Catahoula Parish and areas of Concordia Parish
Ridership: Licensed for 26 Clients/19 currently in our program
Type of System: Specialized