State Proj. No.:
Finish date:
January 2019
$6.8 Million
Barriere Construction Co., LLC
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This is a project to widen Loyola Drive between Vets and I-10 as well as widen the I-10 ramps and construct a new four-lane divided roadway with a center median extending build a portion of the airport road south of Veterans Blvd. to serve the new airport terminal set to open in early 2019.
This project is a short term measure to handle the increased traffic. Also in design is the proposed I-10 ramps and exit improvements to come in the near future. The eventual extension and new road south of Veterans Blvd will include noise walls along the roadway, and landscaping in the center median and along the noise walls. Also included are turning lane and improved traffic signals on Loyola Drive between Veterans Memorial Boulevard and Interstate 10, including the Veterans Memorial Boulevard intersection.
NOLA Article March 2017
NOLA Article November 2017