The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD), Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), and Federal Rail Administration (FRA) are proposing a project that includes the maintenance and rehabilitation of ten (10) and closure of six (6) railroad crossings along the Kansas City Southern (KCS) railroad in the City of Baton Rouge, East Baton Rouge Parish. Proposed activities for each of the crossings are described in the table below.

The crossings that are proposed to be closed will be complete closures. The sidewalks at these crossings would be removed; however, pedestrian crossings would being created at several of the other crossings, usually where sidewalks come up to the railroad right-of-way and end. Detours will be required for the maintenance and rehabilitation during the in-roadway crossing work. The detours will be coordinated with the City of Baton Rouge at the time of construction. Detours will not be required for the signal work.

The maintenance and rehabilitation work will be completed within existing KCS, City of Baton Rouge, or LADOTD right-of-ways. Additional right-of-way may be required for street connectivity on the east end of Orange Street to connect Orange Street with Matilda Street. Connecting roads within KCS right of way are proposed to link Smith Street, Orange Street, and Apple Street, paralleling the west side of the railroad tracks.

Project Documents
Display Map 37 mb11/7/2017
Display Map 24 mb11/7/2017
Display Map 19 mb11/7/2017
comment_card147 kb11/7/2017
H.012449_Power_Point_for_Public_Meeting2 mb11/7/2017
Public Meeting Handout H.012449873 kb11/7/2017