Prospect Bridge Update June 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012 at 10:29:09 AM

Prospect Bridge Update June 2012


Completion of this project has been pushed back. The original completion date was April/May 2012; however several items resulted in additional time required to complete the project. The new completion date is September 2012.

At the beginning of the project, AT&T had not relocated their lines. Phone lines hindered the removal of portions of the old bridge and driving new piles. This delayed the project two months. In November/December 2010, while removing portions of Main St., in preparation for subsurface repair and new road surface, crews found the old foundation in poor condition. We had to replace the foundation and shore it up before replacing the new road surface. This required an additional 20 days. Four pinion gears, one on each column were installed and it was determined that they were too tight. When gears expand because of change in weather, they can bend or break. The gears had to be sent back to the manufacturer to be shaved down and re-cut to fit better.

DOTD and the contractor continue to move forward toward an end date and will finish the project as quickly and as safely as they can.

Remaining Work:
1. Main Deck will pour Friday
2. Prospect Street resurfacing
3. Final 2 inches of asphalt on all the new road surface of Main and Prospect Street
4. New Signals
5. Testing several weeks to make sure the bridge works and all the signals and safety equipment work together.

All above-mentioned work schedules are subject to change in the event of adverse weather. Please see public notices for exact times, dates and cancellations.

For additional questions or comments, contact DOTD’s Customer Service Center at 1-877-4LA-DOTD (1-877-452-3683) or e-mail The center is open 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can also visit the project’s Web page by going to and clicking on “Projects” from the Programs & Projects section of the main menu on the left-hand side of the page, then select “LA 3087 Prospect Bridge Project.”

If you are a member of a homeowners association and would like a DOTD speaker to attend one of your meetings to share information about this project, please let me know. Also, feel free to forward this e-mail on to anyone you think would like to receive this information.

Additionally, at your convenience, please let us know how we are doing by filling out our customer service survey below. Again, we thank you for your feedback and patience during this construction.

State Project No. ....................................................................................065-91-0016
Contractor.....................................................................James Construction Company
Contract Amount......................................................................................$26.7 million
Project Start Date.................................................................................. May 24, 2010
Anticipated Completion Date.............................................................September 2012

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