Materials Sampling Manual - Part 7 Revisions
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 at 6:19:56 AM


The Materials Sampling Manual for Section 7 has been revised. You can access the new section at:

Changes are:
  1. We have removed Fabrications content so that the MSM is more relevant to Project Engineers. Fabrications content will be placed into a new Fabrications Section.
  2. Updated to current practices and procedures; removed obsolete items such as RAP for backfill.
  3. Clarified and simplified.
  4. Changed 713 to be ordered by Device Category.
We hope you find these changes to be useful. Comments are always welcome.
Thanks, Luanna

P.S. Special thanks to Jason Davis, Kasey Browning, Kristopher Wascom, Brett Morgan, Phillip Macaluso, Roger Rutland, Brian Owens and the MSM Committee!

Luanna Cambas, P.E.
Materials Engineer Administrator
DOTD Materials and Testing Section (Matlab)
5080 Florida Boulevard
Baton Rouge, LA 70806
504-427-7889 cell

If you need assistance with the information in this email, please contact Luanna Cambas directly.

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