Weeks Island Bridge Project
Monday, April 11, 2011 at 1:22:01 PM


The project is moving ahead, and the contractor remains on schedule for completion of Stumpy Bayou Bridge near the end of May.


This past week crews placed reinforcement steel and concrete for one of the deck of spans on the north end. All five of the flat deck spans are now poured in place. Also, steel girders were set and bolted for 225-foot continuous steel girder span unit. Also, crews excavated and began placing stone base for the north approach slab.


Work scheduled for this week will be to continue removing the old bridge. Crews will also complete stone base placement, formwork, steel reinforcement, and place concrete for the 40-foot north approach slab.  We will continue tightening bolted connections on the 225-foot steel girder span unit while we place formwork for the steel girder deck unit.


The overall scope of the New Stumpy Bridge consists of three – 20-foot flat slab decks on the south end, a 225-foot continuous steel girder span unit over the middle, and two – 20-foot flat slab decks on the north end for a total bridge length of 325 feet with a 40-foot approach slab on each end.  The old bridge was 24 feet wide; whereas, the new bridge will be just shy of 33 feet wide.


Learn more about the job by visiting the project’s Web page at www.dotd.la.gov. Click on “Projects” from the “Programs & Projects” section of the main menu on the left-hand side of the page and select the “Weeks Island Bridges Project” link.


You can also follow the Weeks Island Bridges Project on Facebook. Once you open a Facebook account, project information can be accessed by entering "Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development" or "Weeks Island Bridges Replacement Project" into the search field.


For additional questions or comments, or to sign up to receive e-mail updates, contact DOTD’s Customer Service Center at 1-877-4LA-DOTD (1-877-452-3683) or e-mail dotdcs@la.gov.  The center is open 7:30 a.m. – 5 p.m., Monday through Friday.