The project is moving ahead. This past week crews finished unloading materials on the north bank and continued removing the north half of bridge to prepare to drive piling on the north side.
Four 30-inch-width piling were completed for bent number 6. Bents consist of piles and a cap piece that sits across the piles. Girders will be placed from bent to bent and eventually the new road surface is placed above the girders. We also finished caps for bents 1, 2, and 3 and poured the cap for bent 4.
Crews continue removing the old bridge removal on north side and removing debris. They plan to complete driving piling for north side bents by end of this week. This will lead to forming up for north side caps and setting addition forms for bents 5 and 7 - caps will pour by the end of the week.
Contractor plans to work on Mardi Gras Day (weather permitting).
Learn more about the job by visiting the project’s Web page at Click on “Projects” from the “Programs & Projects” section of the main menu on the left-hand side of the page and select the “Weeks Island Bridges Project” link.
You can also follow the Weeks Island Bridges Project on Facebook. Once you open a Facebook account, project information can be accessed by entering "Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development" or "Weeks Island Bridges Replacement Project" into the search field.
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