Weeks Island Bridge Project
Monday, February 21, 2011 at 9:56:48 AM

Stumpy Bayou Bridge

This past weekend, crews were driving piles on the south end of the bridge and removing the timber piling of the old bridge (south end). The foundation of a bridge is made up of pilings (legs) and on top of these is placed a cap. Together the piling and cap are called a bent. Girders are placed across the bents and the road surface will be built on top of the girders.

This week, we plan to continue removal operations on the south end and begin forming up the caps for the previously driven piles and continue driving the remaining piles on the south end. There are two types of piles. One is a 16-inch wide pile and a larger 30-inch wide pile.  The hammer that we will use to drive the remaining 30-inch piles is not yet on site but we expect it around mid week. 

Learn more about the job by visiting the project’s Web page at www.dotd.la.gov. Click on “Projects” from the “Programs & Projects” section of the main menu on the left-hand side of the page and select the “Weeks Island Bridges Project” link.

You can also follow the Weeks Island Bridges Project on Facebook. Once you open a Facebook account, project information can be accessed by entering "Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development" or "Weeks Island Bridges Replacement Project" into the search field.

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