DOTD announces results of Aug. 30 bid letting
Thursday, September 14, 2006 at 12:00:00 AM

BATON ROUGE, La. – The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) considered bids totaling over $101 million at its Aug. 30 public bid opening, according to Gov. Kathleen Blanco and DOTD Secretary Johnny B. Bradberry.

With a bid of $26,806,512.25, Denton-James LLC, Baton Rouge, was the apparent low bidder on the state’s most expensive job, a project in East Baton Rouge Parish calling for clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, lime treatment, class II base course, superpave, Portland cement concrete pavement, precast-prestressed concrete girder spans bridge, traffic signalization and related work on La. 946 from Jones Bayou to Hooper Road.

Other projects by parish(es), description, apparent low bidder and bid are as follows:

Caddo – Class II base course, Portland cement concrete pavement and related work on La. 511 for median removal, F.J. Burnell Inc., Shreveport, $115,660.40.

Caddo – Concrete patching, cross-stitching, signs, barricades and related work on La. 3132 from I-20 to La. 526, Forby Contracting Inc., Hinckley, Minn., $282,125.

Claiborne – Grading, removal of bridge, class II base course, reinforced concrete box culverts, superpave and related work on the Hubie Lewis Road Bridge over Bond Creek, CW&W Contractors Inc., Sibley, $338,171.50.

Concordia – Clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, raising road surface and related work on La. 3196 from the Mississippi River Levee to La. 569, Specialty Contractors, Marthaville, $347,772.90.

Desoto – Grading, drainage structures, cement treated base course, pavement patching, asphaltic surface treatment, superpave and related work on La. 481 from La. 539 to U.S. 84, Madden Contracting Co. Inc., Minden, $1,909,496.33.

East Baton Rouge – Portland cement concrete patching on La. 37 from Monterrey Boulevard to Sullivan Road, Forby Contracting Inc., Hinckley, Minn., $434,625.

Iberia – Grading, drainage structures, class I and II base course, lime treatment, superpave, Portland cement concrete pavement, concrete girder span bridge and related work on the interchange of U.S. 90 and La. 675, James Construction Group LLC, Baton Rouge, $22,608,641.98.

Lasalle – Grading, removal of bridges, class II base course, superpave, reinforced concrete box culverts and related work on the Windham Road Bridge over Clear Prong and the Ira Road Bridge, Quality Design & Construction Inc., Gonzales, $272,055.04.

Lincoln – Grading, drainage structures, lime treatment, class II base course, superpave, Portland cement concrete pavement, concrete girder span bridges and approaches, and related work on U.S. 167 from La. 822 to Dubach, James Construction Group LLC, Baton Rouge, $16,575,517.80.

MadisonGrading, concrete slab span bridge and related work on Walnut Bayou Bridge at Stockman Crossing, Louisiana Bridge Inc., Farmerville, $279,922.75.

Orleans, JeffersonJack replacement and related work at ferry facilities, Double Aught Construction LLC, Hammond, $1,346,800.

St. James – Grading, drainage structures, cold planing, superpave and related work on La. 44 from La. 642 to Lambremont Street, Coastal Bridge Co. LLC, Baton Rouge, $2,315,441.02.

St. John the Baptist – Grading, cold planing, pavement patching, superpave, mainline sorting system, Portland cement concrete pavement resurfacing and related work on the LaPlace Pit Scale mainline sorting system, Toomer Electrical Co. Inc., Baton Rouge, $2,968,896.74.

St. Tammany – Grading, landscaping, irrigation system and related work for Mandeville entry signs and landscape plantings on La. 22 and U.S. 190, Pressco Industries Inc., Mandeville, $193,164.75.

       St. Tammany – Grading, cold planing, superpave, pavement patching and joint repair and related work on U.S. 190 from Little Bayou Castine to La. 433, Boh Bros. Construction Co. LLC, New Orleans, $3,673,021.45.

Union – Grading, drainage structures, class II base course, lime treatment, superpave and related work for reconstruction of La. 15 from one-quarter mile south of Williams Colony Road to one mile north of Williams Colony Road, D & J Construction Co. Inc., West Monroe, $3,260,976.15.

            Vermilion, LafayetteGrading, drainage structures, cold planing, lime treatment, class II base course, in-place cement stabilized base course, superpave and related work on La. 343 from La. 92 to La. 342, H & S Construction Co. Inc., Broussard, $2,089,336.35.

Winn – Pavement patching, asphaltic concrete binder and wearing course and related work on La. 34 from the Grant Parish line to five miles north, Madden Contracting Co. Inc., Minden, $1,877,158.15.

