BATON ROUGE - The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) considered bids totaling over $11 million at its April 27 public bid opening, according to Governor Kathleen Blanco and DOTD Secretary Johnny B. Bradberry.
With a bid of $2,322,111.31, Barriere Construction Co., LLC, Belle Chasse, was the apparent low bidder on the state’s most expensive job, a project in East Baton Rouge Parish calling for grading, class II base course, superpave, joint cleaning, pavement patching, and related work on LA 37 (Greenwell Springs Road) from Wooddale Blvd. to Monterrey Blvd.
Other projects by parish(es), description, apparent low bidder and bid are as follows:
Acadia – Grading, drainage structures, class II base course, sidewalks and related work on LA 35 for Rayne sidewalks and beautification, Bulliard Construction Co. Inc., St. Martinville, $149, 204.53.
Acadia, Lafayette – Minor overlay on LA 1119 and LA 723 from LA 92 to Legros Road and LA 724 to LA 93, R. E. Heidt Contstruction Co., Inc., Westlake, $320,100.65.
Ascension – Cold planing, aggregate surface course, asphaltic concrete, drainage structures, class II base course, and pavement markings on LA 939 from the intersection of LA 44 to the intersection of US 61, F.G. Sullivan, Jr. Contractor LLC, Baton Rouge, $347,253.00.
Caddo – Full depth concrete patching, cross-stitching, catch basins, mobilization, signs and barricades, and related work on LA 526 from US 80 to Flournoy Lucas Road, Forby Contracting, Inc., Hinckley, MN, $134,000.00.
Concordia – Clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, concrete sidewalks, and related work on Vidalia sidewalks, Nottingham Construction Co. Inc., Baker, $446,382.00. Iberville – Asphaltic surface treatment, temporary pavement markings, plastic pavement striping, construction layout and related work on LA 77 just south of I-10 in Grosse Tete to LA 76, T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc., Columbia, MS, $57,770.00.
Lincoln – Asphaltic surface treatment, temporary reflectorized raised pavement markers, plastic pavement striping and related work on LA 147 for District 05 Contract Maintenance for fiscal year 2004-2005, Dreher Contracting, Inc., Bastrop, $840,568.54.
Natchitoches – Grading, cold planing, pavement patching, superpave, and related work on LA 6 from LA 117 to I-49, Gilchrist Construction Co., LLC, Alexandria, $588,155.87.
Grading, subgrade layer, class II base course, superpave, concrete slab span bridge, and related work on LA 504 at the Sibley Lake Bridge, Gilchrist Construction Co. LLC, Alexandria, $765,274.68.
Orleans – Grading, drainage structures, sanitary sewer system, class II base course, Portland cement concrete pavement, and related work on Morrison Road from Gannon Road to Vincent Road, Barriere Construction Co., LLC., Belle Chasse, $1,633,633.20.
Rapides – Cleaning and sealing transverse pavement joints and random cracks on I-49 from LA 181 to US 167, Forby Contracting, Inc., Hinckley, MN, $172,110.80.
Clearing and grubbing, grading, drainage structures, class II base course, superpave, and related work on LA 3144 at the intersection of US 165 Business, Gilchrist Construction Co. LLC., Alexandria, $82,705.60.
St. Helena – District wide asphaltic surface treatment, thermoplastic striping, and related work on LA 441, T. L. Wallace Construction, Inc., Columbia, MS, $546,028.60.
St. James – Fender repairs and related work on LA 70 at the Sunshine Bridge, Pier 4, L. King Company LLC, Denham Springs, $365,400.00.
St. John – Concrete pavement leveling and related work on I-10 parish wide, Nortex Conc. Lift & Stabiliz. Inc., Fort Worth, TX, $114, 900.00.
St. Tammany – Grading, cold planing, pavement patching, superpave, and related work on Northshore Boulevard, Huey Stockstill, Inc., Picayune, MS, $387,957.10.
Vernon – Grading, in-place cement stabilized base course, cold planing, drainage structures, superpave, lime treatment, pavement patching, and related work on LA 1212 from US 171 to LA 8, Gilchrist Construction Co. LLC, Alexandria, $641,398.22.