Louisiana Transportation Authority Meeting - April 7, 2005
Thursday, March 31, 2005 at 12:00:00 AM
What:     Louisiana Transportation Authority Meeting


When:     8 a.m., Thursday, April 7


Where:   House Committee Room 1

                Louisiana State Capitol

                Baton Rouge, Louisiana


Who:       DOTD Undersecretary Michael Bridges, LTA Board of Directors



    - DOTD Call to order

    - Introductory Remarks

    - Old Business

            ·   Approval of minutes from prior meetings


    - New Business

·    To consider and take action with respect to adoption of a resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of not exceeding $200,000,000 of Louisiana Transportation Authority LA 1 Project Senior Lien Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, $80,000,000 of Louisiana Transportation Authority LA 1 Project Subordinate Lien Toll Revenue Bond Anticipation Notes, Series 2005, and $80,000,000 of Louisiana Transportation Authority LA 1 Project Subordinate Lien Toll Revenue Bonds, Series 2005, TIFIA Bond; approving the Master Secured Loan Agreement, the Master Indenture of Trust and the DOTD Cooperative Endeavor Agreement in connection therewith; authorizing the execution of a Bond Purchase Agreement for said Bonds; applying to the State Bond commission for approval of the issuance of said Bonds and Notes; acknowledging and accepting the benefits of credit enhancement, if economical; requesting the State Bond Commission to approve and ratify the publication of a notice of intention to issue said Bonds and Notes; approving the preparation and distribution of a Preliminary Official Statement and an Official Statement; and providing for other matters in connection with the foregoing.


·    To consider and take action with regard to the approval of the Agreement for Compensatory Mitigation among the Authority, the State of Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development and the Greater Lafourche Port Commission.


·    To consider and take action regarding a cooperative endeavor agreement between the Authority and the Louisiana Department of Economic Development.


·    Request authorization to solicit proposals for Consultant support.


·    To discuss and transact any other business which may properly come before the Board.