Public Hearing - Tarbutton Road Interchange and Frontage Roads - Oct 19
Tuesday, September 07, 2004 at 12:00:00 AM


Public Hearing



Tuesday, October 19, 2004
6:30 p.m. - 8:30 p.m.



Ruston City Hall & Civic Center
City Court Room & Council Chambers (2nd Floor)
401 North Trenton Street
Ruston, LA



The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LDOTD) is inviting interested citizens to attend a Public Hearing on the proposed Tarbutton Road Interchange and Frontage Roads at Interstate 20.


The proposed project along I-20 begins at LA 149 and ends at US 167. The study along LA 149 begins 1,800 ft north of I-20 and ends at the GSU entrance.  Detailed information relative to the project is available to those interested through copies of the Draft Environmental Assessment (EA).  This EA document examines the potential for social, economic, and environmental impacts resulting from a proposed interchange and frontage roads improvements.  This EA information is available for review and/or copying at the Department's District Office located at 8010 Desiard St, Monroe, LA 71203.  Copies of this data will be made available upon request at the expense of the person requesting this information, and at a cost equal to the Department's cost of reproduction.  They are available, for review only, at the Federal Highway Administration Division Office at 5304 Flanders Ave, Suite A, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and at the DOTD Environmental Section Office, 1201 Capitol Access Road, Room 201E, Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  The EA is also available for check-out review at the Lincoln Parish public library at 509 West Alabama Avenue, Ruston, LA.


All interested parties and their representatives are invited to be present at the above date, time and location for the purpose of providing comments and input on the proposed project.  All written statements or comments may be submitted at the Hearing, or may be mailed to the following address, postmarked within ten days following the Hearing.


If (due to a disability) you require special assistance in order to participate in this Public Hearing, please contact the DOTD Environmental Section by mail at the address above or by telephone at (225) 242-4513 at least five working days prior to the Public Hearing.



Environmental Engineer Administrator

Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development
P. O. Box 94245
Baton Rouge, LA 70804