I-49 Record of Decision Document, Appendix A, Appendix B: Part 1, Appendix B: Part 2, Appendix B: Exhibit
Dr. Kam K. Movassaghi, Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) Secretary announces that on January 8, 2003, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) approved the Record of Decision (ROD) on the I-49 Connector Project in Lafayette, based on the findings of the Final Environmental Impact Statement.
The Record of Decision approved the selection of the RR-4 Elevated Alternative including the MPO Subalternative and Subalternative H, based on analysis documented in the Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statements, the comments of federal and state agencies, elected officials, and members of the public.
The project will assist in relieving both existing and future congestion in the Evangeline Thruway Corridor. The project will also be compatible with the long-range statewide highway goal for upgrading U.S. 90 south of Lafayette to a controlled access facility, Future I-49.
The Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) studied the proposed construction of a six-lane fully controlled access freeway, approximately five miles in length, generally along the existing U.S. 90/ U.S. 167 corridor (Evangeline Thruway) in urban Lafayette.
This ROD approves the Selected Alternative for the I-49 Connector from just south of the Lafayette Regional Airport northward to the current southern terminus of Interstate 49 at the I-10/ I-49 interchange, as described in the FEIS issued September 2002.
The ROD is available on DOTD’s web site at www.louisiana-transportation.org.
This ROD enables the Lafayette Consolidated Government (LCG) to initiate its Corridor Preservation and Management Action Plan to preserve the I-49 Connector Alignment. As funding becomes available, design and construction will be implemented.