DOTD to hold news conference in Metairie
Friday, June 14, 2013 at 4:38:00 PM
WHO: The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (DOTD) and Secretary Sherri H. LeBas.
WHAT: A news conference to provide an update on the $42.4 million construction
project currently underway to widen I-10 between Clearview Parkway and
Veterans Memorial Boulevard in Metairie.
WHEN: Monday, June 17, at noon.
WHERE: Iglesia de Dios Getsemani Church
2701 Transcontinental Drive
Metairie, LA 70006
WHY: Traffic will be shifted into a new, temporary configuration to allow construction work to continue. This traffic shift will begin the evening of Tuesday, June 18, and will be operational the morning of Wednesday, June 19. More than
162,000 drivers travel this segment of I-10 daily. Work began in late 2011 to
widen the roadway from three to five lanes in each direction. The project will
enhance safety and improve traffic mobility on I-10 in Jefferson Parish.
Plans are for the construction work to be completed near the end of 2013.
HOW: Following the news conference, photographers and videographers will be
escorted by DOTD personnel to the adjacent I-10 work zone. This will
provide a safe vantage point for obtaining photographs and video. Hard
hats, safety glasses, and safety vests will be required. Only a limited
number of these personal protective items will be available. If you have your
own protective items, please bring them to the news conference. Also, wear shoes appropriate for walking in an active construction zone.