Fort Buhlow Bridge Recent Activities
Tuesday, June 11, 2013 at 12:15:00 PM
Recent Activities

Fort Buhlow Bridge

Finishing overhang concrete for Spans 20 & 21, NB. Additionally, crews are processing & hauling embankment on the north and southbound frontage roads, as well as excavating the existing Kansas City Southern Rail Road (KCS) overpass bridge header. Reinforcing bar (rebar) is being tied to the steel cage for drill shafts and grout base plates are being installed. Steel casings are being set for drill shafts 1 – 5 in the cofferdam at Pier 15.

KCS RR Overpass
Crews are wrapping up demolition work on the existing railroad overpass and are mobilizing equipment to begin pile driving for the southbound KCS RR Overpass.

Recently Completed
Crews have completed removing PCC pavement on US 71/165 and installing temporary erosion control items. Also, excavation of footing at bent four and driving of all 14” PCC piles were recently completed.

Project Timeline
Progress on the Fort Buhlow Bridge project was delayed due to unforeseen circumstances. Stone-like material was encountered beneath the river bed while attempting to construct the bridge’s main piers. The pier on the west side of the river was able to be completed, however, it was deemed impossible to complete the pier on the east side due to the thickness of the material. DOTD recently completed a design change to accommodate for the material and work on the project is again progressing.

At this time, the Department estimates having two-way traffic traveling on the northbound structure by late 2014 until the completion of the southbound structure in summer 2016.

DOTD is aggressively working with the contractor to ensure the project will be completed by the estimated timeline of summer 2016.

For questions about the project, contact DOTD’s Customer Service Center at 1-877-4LA-DOTD (1-877-452-3683) or by e-mail at . The center is open 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Learn more about the project by visiting the project’s Web page at . Click on “Projects” from the “Programs & Projects” section of the main menu on the left-hand side of the page select the Fort Buhlow Bridge Project link. You can also follow the Fort Buhlow Bridge Replacement Project on Facebook.