DOTD to convert LA 139 @ LA 1268 (Naff Ave.) intersection in Morehouse Parish to ALL-WAY stop
Wednesday, July 03, 2024 at 12:14:24 PM
DOTD to convert LA 139 @ LA 1268 (Naff Ave.) intersection in Morehouse Parish to ALL-WAY stop
The Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development announces plans to convert the intersection of LA 139 and LA 1268 (Naff Ave.) on the south side of Bastrop, LA in Morehouse Parish to an ALL-WAY stop.
This new traffic configuration will go into effect on Thursday, July 11, 2024, weather permitting.
The intersection is currently a two-way stop controlled intersection. The eastbound and westbound approaches along LA 1268 (Naff Ave.) are currently controlled by stop signs. After the modification, the northbound and southbound approaches along LA 139 will also be required to stop.
This change comes as the result of a traffic engineering study conducted by DOTD. This study analyzed traffic data and crash history, as well as possible countermeasures that could be implemented to potentially improve safety at the intersection.
The recommendation of that study was to convert the intersection to an ALL-WAY stop condition. Studies have shown that converting a two-way stop controlled intersection to an ALL-WAY stop has the potential to reduce crashes at certain locations.
Safety reminder:
DOTD reminds you to drive caution and please be on the lookout for crews and equipment as this work is underway to modify the intersection.
Additional information:
Call 511, visit, or download the Louisiana 511 mobile app for additional information. Out-of-state travelers may call 1-888-ROAD-511 (1-888-762-3511). Motorists may also monitor the LA DOTD website at, by selecting MyDOTD, or by visiting the DOTD Facebook and X (Twitter) pages.
Contact information:
Erin Buchanan
Public Information Officer
Monroe District
(318) 549-8402

Map indicates location of intersection to be coverted to all-way stop in Morehouse Parish.

Graphic indicates how to properly navigate an all-way stop intersection.