LA 8 Bridge at Sabine River near Burr Ferry
Wednesday, November 28, 2018 at 8:25:58 AM
SH 63/LA 8 Bridge at Sabine River
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
TxDOT CSJs: 0214-03-032, 0214-03-035, 0214-03-037
LADOTD State Project Number: H.000986
The Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), in conjunction with the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development (LADOTD) and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), will conduct a public meeting to solicit input on the existing SH 63/LA 8 bridge over the Sabine River, potential new bridge options, and potential SH 63/LA 8 route alternative options. Information on the meeting is provided below:
Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Leesville High School Cafeteria
502 Berry Drive
Leesville, LA 71446
Open House (no formal presentation) 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The existing SH 63/LA 8 bridge over the Sabine River is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as Burr’s Ferry Bridge and is designated as a Texas State Antiquities Landmark. Currently, the existing bridge carries two-way vehicular traffic on SH 63 in Texas and LA 8 in Louisiana. The proposed project will focus on providing a structurally sound bridge with adequate width and height to accommodate existing and foreseeable future transportation needs.
Displays of potential alternatives and other project information will be available for review and comment at the public meeting. All interested persons are invited to attend the meeting to provide input regarding the project. The meeting will be an open house format, so the public may come and go at their convenience, and staff will be available to answer questions. Written comments may be submitted at the meeting. Written comments may also be submitted by mail to Andrew Lee, TxDOT Beaumont District Office, 8350 Eastex Freeway, Beaumont, TX 77708 or emailed to Comments must be received or postmarked by Wednesday, January 2, 2019 to be included in the official public meeting record.
TxDOT, in partnership with LADOTD, encourages the public to take a quick interactive online survey to provide input on potential bridge options and route alternatives. Submit your survey by Wednesday, January 2, 2019 by visiting the project’s online project page at
Additional information about the project is available by contacting Andrew Lee at 409-892-7311 or You can also view additional information by visiting and entering SH 63/LA 8 Bridge in the search area or by visiting the TxDOT Beaumont District Office located at 8350 Eastex Freeway, Beaumont, TX 77708.
Persons interested in attending the public meeting who have special communication or accommodation needs are encouraged to contact Sarah Dupre, TxDOT Beaumont District Public Information Officer, at 409-898-5745 or at least five days prior to the meeting. Because the public meeting will be conducted in English, any requests for language interpreters or other special communication needs should also be made at least five days prior to the public meeting. TxDOT will make every reasonable effort to accommodate these needs.