Monthly Price Indices for Asphalt Cement and Fuel

     The following monthly "price indices" have been established by the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development for use in making price adjustments for asphalt cement and fuels used in construction contracts. The price indices are shown both in English and Metric systems of measure. Special provisions for payment adjustments for asphalt materials and fuels are included in applicable contracts. A list of past price indices is available by calling (225) 379-1439 for asphalts and (225) 379-1944 for fuels.

     Also, please be advised that we will exclude from the asphalt index calculations any asphalt price quotation that exceeds ±25 percent of the average of all asphalt prices submitted. We believe that by excluding the extreme outliers, the adjusted asphalt price index will be a better indication of pricing trends. (The 25 percent outliers only apply to asphalt quotes and not fuel quotes.)

Month Price Indices
PG 64-22 PG 70-22M PG 76-22M Gasoline Diesel
$/Ton $/Mg $/Ton $/Mg $/Ton $/Mg $/Gal $/Ltr $/Gal $/Ltr
09/01/2022 722 796 824 908 857 945 2.452 0.647 3.265 0.862
10/01/2022 700 771 804 886 837 923 2.715 0.717 3.362 0.888
11/01/2022 661 729 765 843 797 879 2.628 0.694 3.602 0.951
12/01/2022 650 716 754 831 780 860 2.202 0.581 3.003 0.793
01/01/2023 636 701 740 816 765 843 2.418 0.638 3.142 0.83
02/01/2023 630 694 735 810 756 834 2.51 0.663 2.918 0.77
03/01/2023 630 694 735 810 756 834 2.476 0.654 2.833 0.748
04/01/2023 627 692 732 807 756 834 2.686 0.709 2.623 0.692
05/01/2023 627 692 732 807 743 819 2.462 0.65 2.341 0.618
06/01/2023 622 686 727 802 756 834 2.348 0.62 2.26 0.597
07/01/2023 612 675 717 791 743 819 2.371 0.626 2.324 0.614
08/01/2023 612 675 717 791 743 819 2.92 0.771 2.971 0.784
09/01/2023 612 675 717 791 743 819 2.785 0.735 3.072 0.811
10/01/2023 612 675 717 791 743 819 2.554 0.674 3.185 0.841
11/01/2023 612 675 717 791 743 819 2.107 0.556 2.888 0.763
12/01/2023 612 675 717 791 743 819 2.016 0.532 2.411 0.636
01/01/2024 606 668 711 784 735 810 2.053 0.542 2.383 0.629
02/01/2024 604 665 709 781 731 806 2.207 0.583 2.665 0.704
03/01/2024 609 671 714 787 738 814 2.482 0.655 2.641 0.697
04/01/2024 609 671 714 787 738 814 2.58 0.681 2.56 0.676
05/01/2024 612 675 717 791 738 814 2.438 0.644 2.389 0.631
06/01/2024 612 675 717 791 738 814 2.395 0.632 2.406 0.635
07/01/2024 616 679 721 795 743 819 2.435 0.643 2.54 0.671
08/01/2024 616 679 721 795 743 819 2.371 0.626 2.323 0.613